According to statutory provision, each new director shall take an oath or affirmation to support the constitutions of the United States and the state of Washington, to promote the interests of education and to faithfully discharge the duties of his/her office to the best of his/her ability. A school district officer or notary public authorized to administer oaths must certify to this oath and the signature of the member. After properly completed, the oath of office shall be filed with the county auditor.
The Highline Public Schools oath of record is as follows: “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of Director, District #___ of Highline School District #401 as prescribed by law, and to the best of my ability, I will support and maintain the Constitution of the State of Washington and the United States.”
Legal References:
Special Education - RCW 28A.343.360
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: March 1983
Revised by the Board: 10.87, 8.03, 9.08
Classification: Discretionary