The president shall preside at all meetings of the board and sign all papers and documents as required by law or as authorized by action of the board. The president shall conduct the meetings in the manner prescribed by the board's policies, provided that the president shall have the full right to participate in all aspects of board action without relinquishing the chair, including the right to vote on all matters put to a vote.
It shall be the responsibility of the board president to manage the board's deliberation so that it shall be clear, concise, and directed to the issue at hand; summarize discussion and/or action before moving on to the next agenda item; and to generally manage the meeting so that the agenda is treated in an expeditious manner.
The president shall be the official recipient of correspondence directed to the board and shall provide, or cause to be provided to other board members and the superintendent, copies of the correspondence received on behalf of the board.
When time and circumstance demand an immediate decision from the board, and the board has no opportunity to confer, the president is authorized to make decisions on behalf of the board provided, however, that the decision shall be communicated as soon as practical thereafter to all members of the board for review and ratification.
In dealing with the media and the public in general, the president or his/her designee will serve as the spokesperson of the board. The president is authorized to report and discuss those actions which have been taken and those decisions made by the board as a body. The president shall avoid speculating upon actions or decisions which the board may take but has not yet taken.
The president shall confer with the superintendent regarding sensitive issues which need immediate attention. When appropriate, he/she will confer with individual board members when other opinions should be sought.
Officers of the Board: Vice President
The vice president shall preside at board meetings in the absence of the president and shall perform all of the duties of the president in case of his/her absence or disability.
Legislative Representative
A legislative representative shall serve as the board's liaison with the Washington State School Directors' Association Legislative Assembly. The legislative representative shall assume office July 1 in an even year for a two-year period. The legislative representative shall attend Washington State School Directors' Association Assemblies, conveying local views and concerns to that body and participating in the formulation of state legislative programs. The legislative representative shall monitor proposed school legislation and inform the board of the issues.
Duties of Individual Board Members
The authority of individual board members is limited to participating in actions taken by the board as a whole when legally in session. Board members shall not assume responsibilities of administrators or other staff members. The board or staff shall not be bound in any way by any action taken or statement made by any individual board member except when such statement or action is pursuant to specific instructions and official action taken by the board.
Each board member shall review the agenda and any study materials distributed prior to the meeting and be prepared to participate in the discussion and decision-making for each agenda item.
Each member is obligated to attend board meetings regularly. Whenever possible, each director shall give advance notice to the president or superintendent of his/her inability to attend a board meeting. A majority of the board may excuse a director's absence from a meeting if requested to do so. The board may declare a board member's position vacant after four consecutive unexcused absences from regular board meetings.
Cross References:
Absence of a Board Member - Policy 1450
Legal References:
Duties of president - RCW 28A.330.030
Duties of vice-president - RCW 28A.330.040
Payment of Claims - Signing of warrants - RCW 28A.330.080
Additional powers of the board - RCW 28A.330.100
Organization of the board - Assumption of superintendent's duties by board member, when - RCW 28A.330.200
Directors - Quorum - Failure to attend meetings - RCW 28A.343.390
Management Resources:
Role of the School Board President -Policy News, December 2007
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: March 1983
Revised by the Board: 1.89, 8.03, 9.08
Classification: Discretionary