Committees of the Board may be created by a majority of the Board. No more than two Board members will serve on any Board appointed committee. The Board President will appoint Board members to serve on such committees, the purpose and terms of which will be determined by a majority vote of the Board.
At times the Board may be asked to appoint liaisons to other committees or community groups. Liaisons to these non-Board committees will be appointed in the same manner as Directors are appointed to serve on Board committees. The role of a liaison is to ensure that the district’s interests are represented, and to transmit information back to fellow Board members about the work of the committee or community group. Board liaisons are non-voting members of the committee or community group.
Legal References:
Directors - Bylaws for board and school government - RCW 28A.320.040
Management Resources:
Role of the Board Legislative Representative - Policy News, August 2009
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: March 1983
Revised by the Board 8.03, 9.08, 3.12, 1.23
Classification: Discretionary