
Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

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A. High School Graduation Rate Goals
The board shall annually adopt district-wide graduation goals and direct each high school to annually establish goals, subject to board approval, to increase the percentage of on-time graduates receiving a high school diploma beginning with the class of 2004. The minimum graduation rate goals through 2013 shall be as defined in WAC 180-105-060. Graduation rate goals in 2014 and each year thereafter for each group of students, identified in Federal requirements, shall not be less than 85 percent.

B. District and School Reading and Mathematics Improvement Goals
The board shall adopt district-wide performance improvement goals for reading and mathematics for elementary, middle and high school (grade level bands); and direct each school in the district that administers the Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program to adopt performance improvement goals to increase the percentage of students meeting the standard in fourth, seventh and tenth grade reading and mathematics.

The following goals and calculation methodologies shall be established to measure and improve student achievement in reading and mathematics within the grade level bands as measured by the Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program administered in the spring of 2003 through and including the spring of 2014.

1. The baseline of achievement for the district and schools within the grade level bands on the reading and mathematics assessments for each grade are the starting points established using the federal requirements in the Washington State No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Accountability Plan.

2. The goal for the district and for each school is to increase the percentage of students in the following categories in meeting or exceeding the reading and mathematics improvement goals on the state uniform bar as established using the federal requirements in the Washington State No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Accountability Plan:

a. All students;

b. Students of each major racial and ethnic group;

c. Economically disadvantaged students;

d. Students receiving Special Education services; and

e. Students served in the state’s Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program.

3. The district and all schools shall demonstrate satisfactory progress toward the performance improvement goals by meeting the federal requirements or by showing improvements using the alternative “Safe Harbor” calculation.

Once a year the board shall issue a report to parents and present it in a public meeting. The report shall include the following:

1. The district’s and buildings’ improvement goals.

2. Student performance relative to the goals.

3. District and building plans to achieve the goals, including curriculum and instruction, parent and guardian involvement, and resources available to parents and guardians to assist students in meeting the state standards.

Annually the district will report in a news release the district’s progress toward meeting the district and building goals. Annual school performance reports are available to the public on the district website ( Reports include a summary of student achievement data highlighting areas of strength and challenge.

Legal References:
Performance goals - Reporting requirements - RCW 28A.655.100
Reading and Mathematics -WAC 180-105-020
High School Graduation -.WAC 180-105-060 

Management Resources:
High School Proficiency Examination - Policy News, June 2010
Requirements Revised - Policy News, December 2005
A+ Commission's Revised Performance Improvement Goals - Policy News, October 2003
Accountability Bill Includes Policy Implications - Policy News, June 1999
Boards must set reading goals - Policy News, June 1998
CORRECTION: Reading goals policy - Policy News, August 1998

Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: January 2008
Revised by the Board: 1.09
Classification: Essential