The district, within its financial capacity, will offer programs that are designed to meet the needs of educationally disadvantaged students and accelerate their learning. Eligible students may receive services from one of three special needs programs -- special education, learning assistance (LAP) and Title I of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
The district or individual school shall conduct a needs assessment and shall develop a plan for the use of LAP funds. Such a plan shall be determined in consultation with an advisory committee, including, but not limited to, parents of participants; teachers; principals; administrators; and school directors. The plan shall include:
A. District and school-level data on reading, writing and mathematics achievement;
B. Processes to identify under-achieving students to be served at each site for program services;
C. How accelerated learning plans are developed and implemented for participating schools;
D. How state and classroom assessments are used to inform instruction;
E. How focused and intentional instruction strategies are identified and implemented;
F. How highly qualified staff are developed and support the program at each site;
G. How resources from other federal, state, district and school programs are coordinated with School Improvement plans and district strategic plans to support underachieving students;
H. How a program evaluation will be conducted to determine the direction and elements of the program for the following school year; and
I. Identification of the program activities the district will implement.
The plan shall be approved by the board of directors prior to submission to the state.
In compliance with the federal law, the board of directors adopts a parent involvement policy, developed jointly with, agreed upon by and distributed to the parents of children participating in the federal remediation program. The parent involvement policy is 2180 Parent, Family, and Community Partnerships.
The superintendent or designee is directed to identify eligible students and their special needs; design a program(s) that will satisfy those needs by interfacing, when advantageous, , federal remedial assistance, learning assistance (LAP) and special education services; monitor the progress of such programs; and provide assurances to state and federal agencies that such programs are in compliance with program requirements of each program with regard to conditions such as staff qualifications, staff-student ratios, student records, facilities and materials, financial accounting, reporting, and program and student evaluation.
Cross References:
Education of Students with Disabilities - Policy 2161
Parent, Family and Community Partnerships - Policy 2180
Legal References:
Learning Assistance Program - Chapter 28A.165 RCW
Special Service Program - learning assistance - WAC 392-162
Management Resources:
Learning Assistance Policy Updated - Policy News, June 2005
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: February 1987
Revised by the Board: 1.08
Classification: Essential