In order to fully develop the academic potential of our most highly capable students, the district will offer programs or services that provide enhanced instruction, deeper learning opportunities, and/or accelerated pacing as part of students' basic education program. The framework for such programs will encompass, but not be limited to, the following objectives:
A. Expansion of academic attainment and intellectual skills by pushing for high-level mastery of common core standards and depth of knowledge;
B. Stimulation of intellectual curiosity, independence and responsibility;
C. Development of a growth mindset; and
The board will annually approve the district's highly capable plan,-including: the number of students the district-expects to serve by grade level; the district's plan to identify students; a description of the highly capable program goals; a description of the services the program will offer; an instructional program description; a description of ongoing professional development for highly capable program and general education staff; program evaluation; a fiscal report; and assurances that the district is legally compliant.
The superintendent will establish procedures consistent with state guidelines for nomination, assessment and selection of children of demonstrated achievement or potential ability in terms of general intellectual ability, academic aptitude and creative or productive thinking.
Legal Reference:
Programs - Authority of local school districts - Selection of students - RCW 28A.185.030
Special service program- Highly capable students - WAC 392-170
Management Resources:
Highly Capable Programs - Policy News, April 2008
Highly Capable Program WAC overhauled - Policy and Legal News, September 2013
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: August 1984
Revised by the Board 08.85, 01.08, 04.08, 12.11, 09.13, 05.14
Classification: Essential