In the case of adjudicated youth, all students should be provided educational services upon enrollment. A court will notify the common school in which a student is enrolled if the student has been convicted, adjudicated, or entered into a diversion agreement for any of the following offenses: a violent offense, a sex offense, inhaling toxic fumes, a drug offense, liquor offense, assault, kidnapping, harassment, stalking or arson. The principal must inform any teacher of the student and any other personnel who should be aware of the information. The information may not be further disseminated.
A student convicted, adjudicated, or entering into a diversion agreement for an assault, kidnapping, harassment, stalking, or arson against a teacher shall not be assigned to that teacher’s classroom during the duration or the student’s attendance at that school or any school to which the teacher is assigned. Neither shall the student be assigned to a classroom where another student who was his or her victim for the offense is enrolled.
The state department of social and health services will notify the board of directors in writing at least thirty days before a juvenile convicted of a violent offense, a sex offense or stalking is discharged, paroled, given authorized leave or otherwise released to reside in the district. The department will also notify the district if any adjudicated victims of a juvenile sex offender are registered with the department and on record as attending a school within the district that the juvenile sex offender might otherwise attend.
A community residential facility to which an adjudicated juvenile is transferred shall provide written notice of the offender’s criminal history to the district if the juvenile is attending school in the district while residing at the community residential facility.
Convicted juvenile sex offenders shall not attend a school attended by their adjudicated victims or a victim'’ sibling. The offender and his or her parent or guardian shall be responsible for providing transportation or covering other costs related to the offender’s attendance at another school.
Cross References:
Education of Students with Disabilities - Policy 2161
Legal References:
Notification to school principal of conviction, adjudication, or diversion agreement—provision of information to teachers and other personnel- Confidentiality - RCW 13.04.155
Juveniles found to have committed violent or sex offense or stalking—Notification of discharge, parole, leave release, transfer, or escape—To whom given-Definitions - RCW 13.40.215
Classroom discipline—policies—classroom placement of student offenders-data on disciplinary actions - RCW 28A.600.460
Management Resources:
Legislature addresses student discipline - PNA 97.08.03
School safety bills impact policy - PNA 9906.03
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: April 11, 2001