The Board is committed to providing all students with a positive, respectful, inclusive climate in every school that promotes academic achievement, ensures safe and drug-free learning communities, provides positive behavioral supports, ensures equitable outcomes in discipline, prevents bullying, harassment, and intimidation, and maximizes the time students spend in school academically engaged.
The district’s goal of reducing out-of-school suspensions is specifically designed to maximize a student’s in-school instruction time, including time in an in-school suspension program or other setting designed to keep the student on track and learning, even if he or she is not in the regular classroom. The research behind this goal is clear—even one out-of-school suspension during a student’s education dramatically reduces the student’s chance of graduating on time.
While Highline Public Schools seeks to end out-of-school suspensions, we acknowledge that conduct and behavior is closely associated with learning. Students are required to follow school and district rules, and these rules are applicable during the school day as well as during any school activity conducted on or off campus. Special rules are also applicable while riding on a school bus.
Students are expected to:
A. Be aware of the district’s standards of acceptable behavior;
B. Respect the rights, person and property of others; and
C. Work together to develop a positive climate for learning
The superintendent shall establish rules of conduct for students designed to provide a safe, healthy, drug free, and educationally sound environment for students.
The district shall publish Student Rights and Responsibilities information which shall state the responsibilities and rights and the current general rules of student conduct. The information will be posted on the district’s website.
The district will annually collect and review data on disciplinary actions taken against students in each school. The data will be disaggregated into subgroups as required by RCW 28A.300.042, including students who qualify for special education or Section 504. The review will include short-term and long-term suspensions and expulsions. The purpose of the data review is to determine if disproportionality exists; if disproportionality is found the district will take action to ensure that it is not the result of discrimination.
Cross References:
Equity - Policy 1001
Substance Abuse Program - Policy 2121
Guidance and Counseling - Policy 2140
Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying - Policy 3207
School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention Supports - Policy 3235
Sexual Harassment - Policy 5262
Legal References:
Action against parent for wilful injury to property by minor — Monetary limitation — Common law liability preserved - RCW 4.24.190
Use of force — when lawful - RCW 9A.16.020
Firearms and dangerous weapons - Chapter 9.41 RCW
Personal protection spray devices - RCW 9.91.160
Prohibition on use of tobacco products on school property - RCW 28A.210.310
Principal to assure appropriate student discipline — Building discipline standards —Classes to improve classroom management skills - RCW 28A.400.110
Exclusion of student from classroom-Written disciplinary procedures-Long-term suspension or expulsion - RCW28A.600.020
Pupils to comply with rules and regulations - RCW 28A.600.040
Defacing or injuring school property — Liability of pupil, parent or guardian Withholding grades, diploma, or transcripts — Suspension and restitution — Voluntary work program as alternative — Rights protected - RCW 28A.635.060
Definitions - WAC 392-400-205
School district rules defining misconduct — Distribution of rules - WAC 392-400-225
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act - 20 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: August 1985
Revised by the Board: 11.90, 4.11, 1.14, 4.15, 6.17
Classification: Priority