The schools may communicate information through students regarding schools, school programs and non-school programs offered by nonprofit organizations that in the opinion of the principal have social, recreational or educational value to the students. The principal shall establish appropriate safeguards to prevent the exploitation of students by individuals or groups. Students shall be encouraged to participate in the presentation of educational programs to the community. The effect on students of such communications and participation shall be given paramount consideration.
Any nonprofit group that seeks to distribute information about its program shall submit a description to the Superintendent or designee, describing the relationship of the proposed activity to the educational program.
However, the distribution of information to students and/or parents/guardians from "for profit" organizations may be authorized by the Superintendent or designees when in his/her judgment, the potential value to the students and/or public is of significant educational and/or recreational value or may compliment fund raising efforts of associated student bodies.
The Superintendent or designee may deny the distribution of any materials if in his/her judgment such distribution would cause confusion, promote controversy or in any way be potentially detrimental to students, community or the school district.
Information prepared for distribution to students through the schools must be of a non-political and non-commercial nature. Any exceptions must have the approval of the Superintendent or designee.
All such materials must contain a hold harmless clause conspicuously placed in the material to be distributed. Any exceptions must be approved by the Superintendent or designee.
Students shall be encouraged to participate in the interpretation of educational programs to the community when such participation will have a positive influence on the students' education.
The PTA/PTSAs may send newsletters or notices to parents with students. Such newsletters may include legislative material related to the organization's official legislative program. Such newsletters containing legislative material should be clearly designated as being from the PTA/PTSA and not from the school or principal.
Cross Reference:
Public Performances - Policy 4322
Legal Reference:
Definitions - RCW 24.03.005
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: May, 1983
Revised by the Board: 02.87, 11.03, 06.12
Classification: Discretionary