Staff share the responsibility for communicating and interpreting the district mission, its policies, programs, goals, and objectives to members of the community. Staff shall perform their services and functions to the best of their ability and communicate with members of the community, parents, students and other staff in an open and honest manner. Staff shall strive to develop and maintain cooperative school-community relations and to achieve the understanding and mutual respect that are so essential to the success of any organization.
Confidential information about students or other staff shall be released only as permitted by statute and district policies and procedures.
Staff having school news for publication should write the information and present it to the immediate supervisor for forwarding to the communication office.
However, information about interscholastic activities, reports and scores of games may be given directly to the news media by the principal or designee
Cross reference:
Confidential Communication - Policy 4020
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: May 1983
Revised by the Board: 11.03
Classification: Discretionary