The Board recognizes and appreciates the contributions senior citizens have made to their community and schools throughout their lifetime. In recognition of these past contributions, the district may provide opportunities for residents aged 62 and above to be admitted to school-sponsored programs or athletic events for no fee.
The Superintendent or designee shall develop procedures for providing these opportunities to eligible senior citizens.
Legal Reference:
Fees for optional noncredit extra-curricular events—Disposition - RCW 28A.325.010
Lunchrooms--Establishment & operation--Personnel for--Agreement for - RCW 28A.235.120
Nonprofit meal program for elderly--Purpose - .RCW 28A.623.010
Nonprofit meal program for elderly—Authorized - RCW 28A.623.020
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: May, 1983
Revised by the Board: 11.03
Classification: Discretionary