The Board directs the superintendent to establish programs and procedures as mandated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) controlled substances and alcohol testing rules.
Prohibited Alcohol and Controlled Substance-Related Conduct
The following alcohol and controlled substance-related activities are prohibited by the district for drivers required to possess a commercial driver’s license (CDL) as part of their job responsibilities. Violations will result in appropriate corrective action ranging from removal from the performance of safety-sensitive functions up to and including discharge.
A. Reporting for duty or remaining on duty to perform safety-sensitive functions while having an alcohol concentration in excess of the standard set by the FMCSA.
B. Being on duty or operating a vehicle while the driver possesses alcohol.
C. Using alcohol while performing safety-sensitive functions.
D. When required to take a post-accident test, using alcohol within eight hours following the accident or prior to undergoing a post-accident alcohol test, whichever comes first.
E. Refusing to submit to an alcohol or controlled substance test required by post-accident, random reasonable suspicion, or follow-up testing requirements.
F. Reporting for duty or remaining on duty when using any controlled substance, except when instructed by a prescribing authority who has advised the driver and the district that the substance does not adversely affect the driver’s ability to safely operate a vehicle. Drivers are required to inform the district of any therapeutic drug use, although not the medication that has been prescribed. The use of any medication that could affect a driver’s safe job performance is prohibited while working.
G. Reporting for duty, remaining on duty or driving if the driver tests positive for controlled substances.
No supervisor having actual knowledge of the above violations will permit a driver to perform or continue to perform safety-sensitive functions.
Cross Reference:
Drug-Free Schools, Community and Workplace - Policy 5201
Staff Assistance Program - Policy 5203
Disciplinary Action and Discharge - Policy 5281
Legal Reference:
Procedures for transportation workplace drug and alcohol testing programs - 49 CFR § 40
Controlled substances and alcohol use and testing - 49 CFR §§ 382
Management Resources:
Policy Revision - Policy News, February 2013
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration mandated drug and alcohol testing program - Policy News, April 2012
Federal Government Amends Bus Driver Drug Testing Rules - Policy News, December 2001
Bus drivers still tested for marijuana - Policy News, February 1999
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: December 1994
Revised by the Board: 08.00, 06.12
Classification: Priority