The Highline School District will maintain, as financial factors permit, an Employee Assistance Program designed to provide assistance to employees who are experiencing a job performance problem. A joint district/employee organization committee will be established to assist in the implementation of this policy and make program recommendations.
A wide range of problems not directly associated with an employee's job function may affect the employee's job performance. These problems may result from alcohol abuse or alcoholism; other drug abuse; physical, mental or emotional illness; personal problems such as marital, family, financial, or legal difficulties; or any combination of these problems.
The Employee Assistance Program will provide professional and confidential assistance to employees and their families seeking assistance.
Participation in the Employee Assistance Program will not jeopardize employment or job promotion, nor shall such participation substitute for employer action(s) regarding evaluation, probation, and/or termination as provided for under collective bargaining agreements or board policies.
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: September 1983
Revised by the Board: 08.00, 03.04