
Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

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The board of directors recognizes the value of broadening the cultural and educational experiences of Highline School District students through direct contact with qualified teachers from other areas of the United States and other nations. Therefore, the district will participate in teacher exchange programs when it is deemed to be in the best interest of the district's educational program.

Requests by district employees to participate in a teacher exchange program must be submitted to the superintendent or designee at least three (3) months prior to the date of participation. District employees will be responsible for obtaining the required credentials or certificates in the state or nation involved.

Before being permitted to teach in the Highline School District, individuals from other areas of the United States or other nations will be required to obtain appropriate Washington state certificate and/or state superintendent of public instruction approval to participate in the teacher exchange program.

The specific teaching assignment for the participating exchange teacher will be determined by the superintendent or designee.

Compensation arrangements for personnel involved in the teacher exchange program will require prior approval.

Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: October 1983