The district may make a contribution toward premiums for full-time staff for insurance programs which are approved by the School Board.
The district will endeavor to provide insurance coverage for represented employees consistent with the terms of applicable collective bargaining agreements and for non-represented employees pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement of which they have been aligned for purposes of leaves, absences, and benefits as otherwise determined by the board. The district may provide additional coverage for the members of the board of directors, students, unrepresented employees, principals and vice principals and their dependents as the board deems appropriate and as authorized by state law.
The district will provide excess automobile liability insurance to cover private vehicles used to transport students to school activities in conformance with school district procedures.
The district will also provide insurance coverage consistent with the State Industrial Insurance Program and Washington State Workman's Compensation Act.
Legal References:
Liability, life, health, health care, accident, disability, and salary insurance authorized—When required—Premiums - RCW 28A.400.350
Mandatory insurance protection for employees - RCW 28A.400.370
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: October 26, 1983
Revised by the Board: 03.04