It is the policy of the Highline School Board to recognize that family and community involvement significantly contributes to the achievement of academic standards and student success by Highline Public School students. The Board views the education of students as a cooperative effort among schools, families, and community. The Board expects that its schools will involve families in regular, two-way and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and will carry out programs, activities and procedures that involve families and community members in school activities. The Board of Directors adopts as part of this policy the following guidance for family and community volunteer involvement. The district shall:
1. Implement programs, activities and procedures for increasing involvement of parents and community members in all of its schools consistent with federal and state laws including Title I and the Learning Assistance Program (LAP). Those programs, activities and procedures will be planned, implemented, and evaluated in consultation with families of participating children;
2. Work with schools to ensure that the required school-level family involvement plans, as a part of the school improvement plans, meet the requirements of federal and state laws; and
3. To the extent possible, provide full opportunities for the participation of families with limited English proficiency, families with disabilities, and families of migrant children in school programs, activities and procedures.
The term “family” as used in this policy refers to parents, extended family, guardians, or other persons with whom a Highline School District student resides. In using these terms, the Board recognizes that families within our community vary in family composition, cultural backgrounds, abilities, financial resources, and belief structures.
Schools also need the support of other members of the community including family organizations, public agencies, businesses, civic and faith-based organizations to support effective education. The district will create partnerships with community organizations that promote education as an investment in the community. Community groups and families will be encouraged to help schools develop and implement innovative programs that advance educational goals and support high academic achievement for all students.
In working with families and other volunteers, district staff shall clearly explain the volunteer's responsibility for supervising students in school, on the playground and on field trips. On field trips both students and volunteers are to be informed of the rules of student behavior and the means by which they are to be held accountable to those rules.
The superintendent shall be responsible for developing and implementing procedures for the utilization of volunteers. It is the expectation of Highline Public Schools that all volunteers will act with the highest level of professionalism towards our students, including following the requirements of Policy and Procedure 5253 on “Maintaining Professional Staff/Student Boundaries”. Further, it is the general expectation of Highline Public Schools that volunteers, including family members, will not work alone with a student. “Alone” should be understood to have the common definition of two people (volunteer and student) without the presence by others. The selection and use of unsupervised volunteers will be consistent with those policies and procedures as specified for unsupervised employees and volunteers as specified in Policy 5005.
The Superintendent will establish an appeal process for individuals who are denied volunteer service due to a record of criminal and/or immoral conduct.
Cross References:
Employment of Staff - Policy 5005
Maintaining Professional Staff/Student Boundaries - Policy 5253
Legal References:
Washington State Patrol – Background Check - RCW 43.43.830-840
Employment — Conviction Records – Child and adult abuse information - WAC 446-20-285
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: August 2000
Revised by the Board: 3.04; 3.11; 10.14
Classification: Priority