The superintendent shall insure that each principal supervises the operation of his/her school so as to assure compliance with local, state, and federal safety and health requirements. When conditions of disrepair or hazard appear, they shall be reported immediately to the superintendent, area administrator, or director, security/safety. If they constitute a significant threat to the safety of students or others, school operations shall be altered in such a way as to eliminate the threat with as little disruption of the developed school program as possible. Rules and procedures shall be developed that shall provide for:
1. A safe and healthy working environment;
2. An accident prevention program, including first aid and CPR training for supervisory staff;
3. Voluntary compliance with local, state, and federal safety acts.
4. An accident reporting and recording system which shall fulfill state requirements;
5. Fire drills and practice in other emergency procedures.
Cross Reference:
Emergency Procedures - Policy 3431
Fire Drills - Policy 3432
Staff Safety - Policy 8301
Building and Grounds Maintenance - Policy 9330
Legal Reference:
General Safety and Health Standards - WAC 296-24
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: August 1984
Revised by the Board: 02.87
Classification: Essential