Board Protocol Guidelines
The Highline School District will emphasize policy making, planning, and advocacy for the benefit of children. To support a partnership in responsibility and teamwork, the board and the administration agree to the following protocol guidelines:
- The board will consider research, best practices, evaluative data, and public input to assist in making mindful and intentional decisions.
- The board will advocate for, and support the vision of, the school district, its strategic plan, and maintain a focus on system priorities.
- The board will focus on policy, the vision and direction of the district, and the work related to teaching and learning for all students.
- The board agrees to work toward creating a positive environment. We encourage debate, differing points of view, and listening, and will do it with care and respect.
- The board recognizes the community as a partner and, as such, is eager to listen to and collaborate with the community and other governmental groups as needed.
- The board will participate in ongoing professional development and learning to be effective and knowledgeable about the school system and its priorities.
- Board meetings are where the board does its work in public. Board discussions should be concise and pertinent to the issues on the agenda. Information needed from administration will be referred through the superintendent. Items for discussion should be brought to the board chair or the superintendent to be placed on the agenda.
- The superintendent is the chief executive officer and should recommend, propose, and make suggestions on most matters presented before the board.
- The board will maintain a respectful demeanor towards one another, the superintendent, district staff members, and the communities making up the Highline School District.
- Communications between the central office and the board is encouraged. Board requests are to be directed to the superintendent.
- The board and its individual members agree to direct all personnel complaints or concerns directly to the superintendent for review and follow-up.
- The board will recognize the board president, or his/her designee, as the official spokesperson for the board.
- Reports to the board will focus primarily on accountability for student learning.
Email Protocol Guidelines
- The board and its individual members agree to keep the number and length of emails reasonable so that they are seen as thoughtful, relevant, and clear.
- The board and its individual members agree to use language in emails that is thoughtful, professional, and concise.
- The board and its individual members agree that when an email is sent to the superintendent or board president the sender will indicate if the email is for information only or if an action of some type is being proposed.
- The board and its individual members agree that email is not the appropriate venue for board dialog and discussion. Discussion on board matters should be conducted in public.
- The board and its individual members agree that email is not to be used for advocating on matters of board business.
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: February 2008
Revised by the Board: 5.11