1. Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Changes or Additions to the Agenda
2. Recognitions
Staff & Students
Community Organizations & District Partners
3. Scheduled Communications
Public Comment
4. Superintendent’s Report
Staff Presentations
5. School Board Reports
6. Consent Agenda
7. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda
8. Non-Consent Agenda
9. Adjourn
The basic purpose of a consent agenda is to recognize routine matters in an expeditious manner. If a debatable item appears on the consent agenda, the item may be removed at the request of a board member and inserted at an appropriate place on the agenda. Examples of items that may be included on the consent agenda include:
- Approval of Vouchers and Warrants
- Personnel Report
- Bid Awards
The board shall receive supporting information for the consent agenda items along with the regular agenda materials. Upon approval, all consent agenda items shall appear in the minutes.
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: March 1983
Revised by the Board: 9.08, 10.08, 1.14, 9.14, 6.18