The superintendent shall have the opportunity for confidential sessions with the board members on no less than two occasions in each school year; the purpose shall be the aiding of the superintendent in his/her performance and the evaluation thereof. The board, on the basis of the evaluation, may renew and/or extend the superintendent's contract for periods not to exceed three years each.
In the event that a majority of the board considers the superintendent's performance to be deficient in one or more areas, the superintendent shall be so notified in writing by February 1st. The notice shall include specific suggestions for improvement.
The superintendent shall be evaluated using the Washington Standards-Based Superintendent Framework. Each year, the board and superintendent shall mutually agree on the focus themes for the year from within the framework.
By January 15, the board shall have completed a mid-year conference with the superintendent. This session is intended to occur in a discussion format. By June 30, the board shall have completed the formal evaluation conference with the superintendent. Prior to the formal evaluation conference, the superintendent shall provide written report(s) describing the degree to which the performance objectives have been achieved. A written evaluation shall be presented to the superintendent in executive session. This written evaluation shall be supplemented by a discussion. The board shall provide evaluative feedback to the superintendent regarding what the superintendent is doing well and also areas of improvement or focus.
The board may from time to time modify the performance evaluation criteria and process as necessary.
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: January 2006
Revised by the Board: 9.08, 09.22