
Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

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1. Home tutoring will be provided to pupils unable to attend school because of illness or injury but who are able to carry on their work either in full or part.

2. Requests for home tutoring, supported by a statement from the student's physician, are made to the director of special education by the school principal on a home tutoring request form (Form 2165F1).

3. Home tutoring may begin immediately upon receipt of the request from the principal and approval by the office of the superintendent of public instruction.

4. Tutors will not go to a home where there is a communicable disease.

5. Handicapped and other students are eligible if they are unable to attend school for four weeks or more because of illness or physical disability. Students out of school for less than four weeks do not qualify for home/hospital tutoring services.

6. No charge will be made to the parents for this service.

7. Students must be registered at a school prior to receiving home/hospital instruction. Home and hospital instruction is not meant to be a long-term educational program but should be considered only for emergency and short-term use.

8. Both "Certification of Diagnosis" by a physician (Form E310/2165F2) and a parent signature requesting services for home/hospital instruction are required prior to the initiation of a tutoring program for a student. Completed forms 2165F1 and 2165F2 should be sent to the director of special education.

9. The student will be referred to a tutor who works with the building counselor to get specific assignments and materials.

10. The tutor will attempt to follow the content and assignments being provided in the students  classroom as much as possible. The tutor will be responsible for grades unless other arrangements are made.

11. Cancelled appointments will be rescheduled when possible. Excessive cancellations may  result in a parent/student/teacher conference.

12. Tutoring is terminated according to the timeline on the physician's Certificate of Diagnosis

(Form E310/2165F2). The tutor will complete and give to the school a final evaluation  report form including grades and attendance for the period assigned to tutoring services.

Highline School District 40
Adopted by the Superintendent: August 1984