It is the intent for students to earn credit through the school’s Academic Program Offerings. To do this teachers work with students to monitor progress and adjust instruction as needed to ensure success in enrolled classes. However, situations will occur when students do not earn credit as anticipated in the schools’ Academic Program. In these situations, schools will address the need for students to engage in supplemental learning opportunities when a high school credit is needed.
Specific steps, outlined below, will be in place at each school for students to earn credit when a student does not earn credit for a course.
Transcript Review and Advising
Following the posting of grades for each period, staff reviews credits earned and courses failed. Staff create student-specific plans to earn credit, accessing the options below.
Recovering Credit on “In Progress” Grades
When students are assigned an “In Progress” grade as described in Policy 2420, structures for students to further develop their learning and demonstrate proficiency will be communicated with students and families, and documented at the school.
Learning Center Options
Annually by September 1, information regarding options for students to earn credit through school-based Learning Centers will be published on the website.
School-Based Options
Annually by September 1, information regarding options for students to earn credit through in a variety of unique school-based options will be published on the website.
Additional System-Wide Options
Annually by September 1, information regarding options for students to earn credit through in a variety of unique options available across the system will be published on the website.
Following each grade reporting period, a report of which courses students have not successfully earned credit in will be reviewed by Principals and district leaders. This report will support analysis by student group, special program participation, and instructor. The analysis may lead to a variety of action(s), school-based or system-wide. A summary report of this analysis and action steps taken shall be made available to the School Board upon request.
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Superintendent: June 2020