World Languages
A. Definition
a. For purposes of this procedure, a world language is defined according to the definition used by the Higher Education Coordinating Board as “[a]ny natural language that has been formally studied […], including American Sign Language (AMESLAN, the language of the deaf community), and languages no longer spoken, such as Latin and ancient Greek. However, neither computer 'languages' nor forms of deaf signing aside from AMESLAN are acceptable.”
B. Demonstrating Proficiency in a World Language
a. The district will manage the assessment process so that high school students seeking proficiency based credit can demonstrate proficiency across language skills. Assessments will be aligned to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Proficiency Guidelines in order to ensure consistency across languages. The district will select the appropriate assessment instrument(s) from the following:
i. Standards-based Measurement of Proficiency (STAMP) in reading, writing, and speaking (and listening, if available) for all languages for which it is available.
ii. For languages for which STAMP is not available, the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) assessments Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and Writing Proficiency Test (WPT), or other appropriate assessment.
iii. Appropriate assessments for American Sign Language such as the Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI).
C. Determining Competency and Credit Equivalencies
a. The district will award up to four (4) one or more credits based on the student demonstrating an overall proficiency level according to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines as follows:
i. Novice Mid – 1 credit (Carnegie Unit)
ii. Novice High – 2 credits
iii. Intermediate Low – 3 credits
iv. Intermediate Mid – 4 credits
b. Since students may demonstrate varied levels of proficiency across skills, credits will be awarded based on the lowest common level of proficiency demonstrated across the skill areas.
D. Offering Testing Opportunities
a. The district will manage the assessment process so that high school students have an annual opportunity to take or retake the assessment(s) required to demonstrate proficiency. Assessments must be offered in a proctored setting with appropriate technology.
E. Paying for Assessments
a. The district will pay for fees associated with students’ initial assessment to demonstrate language proficiency.
F. Informed Consent
a. The district will explain to students and guardians the value of continued study of World Languages. Students will attend an information session, and guardians will be sent a letter.
G. Reporting Results
a. The district will receive official test results for each student participating in the assessment process. The district will provide a letter to the student with a copy of the test results and an indication of how many world language credits, if any, may be awarded. Credits will be awarded with a grade of “Pass.”
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Superintendent: 2.22
Revised by the Superintendent: 10.23