State Exams
Students who met standard on state exams may recover credit for previously failed courses in the following manner:
A. Math
a. Students may recover one-half (0.5) credit for Algebra or Geometry on a state math assessment or approved state alternative that meets the graduation pathway requirement.
B. Science
a. Students may recover one-half (0.5) Biology credit for a previously failed Biology course by meeting standard on the state science assessment.
C. Language Arts
a. Students may recover one-half (0.5) credit for a previously failed 9th or 10th grade required Language Arts course by meeting standard on a state assessment in ELA or approved state alternative that meets the graduation pathway requirement.
In all the situations outlined above a unique course code will be created and will substitute for a course that was previously failed. Failed courses will remain on the student’s official transcript.
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Superintendent 2.22