The student and parent/guardian may determine the student's personal dress and grooming standards, provided that the student's personal appearance (including dress, tatoos, body piercings and general grooming) shall not:
- Lead school officials reasonably to believe that such dress or grooming shall disrupt, interfere with, disturb, or detract from school activities.
- Create a health or other hazard to the student's safety or to the safety of others.
The principal, in connection with the sponsor, coach, or other person in charge of a regular school day or an extracurricular activity, may regulate the dress and grooming of students if the principal reasonably believes that the student's dress or grooming:
- Creates a hazard to the student's safety or to the safety of others.
- Shall prevent, interfere with or adversely affect the direction or effort required for the activity to achieve its purpose.
- Promote by printed word or symbol the use of illegal substances. If the student's dress or grooming is objectionable under these provisions, the principal shall request the student to make appropriate corrections. If the student refuses, the principal shall notify the parent/guardian and request that person to make the necessary correction. If both the student and parent/guardian refuse, the principal shall take appropriate corrective action that is supportable by legal rationale. Students may be suspended, if circumstances so warrant, and students who violate provisions of the dress code relating to regular or extracurricular activities may be removed or excluded from the extracurricular activity for such period as the principal may determine. All students shall be accorded due process safeguards before any corrective action may be taken.
Highline School District 401
Approved by the Superintendent: June 25, 1986
Revised by the Superintendent: 09.02