1. The decision to search a student or students will be made by the school principal or designee. A search is required when there are reasonable grounds to suspect a student has a firearm on school grounds, transportation or at school events.
2. The search will be made in the presence of at least one (1) witness.
3. Discovery of illegal or dangerous materials will be reported to the Superintendent or designee.
4. A decision to search without a warrant shall be based upon reasonable grounds to believe the search is necessary for the maintenance of school discipline and order.
5. The administrator in making the decision to search without a warrant shall consider at least the following:
a. individual's age, history, and school record;
b. the prevalence and seriousness of the problem to which the search is directed;
c. the need to search without delay;
d. the probative value and reliability of the information on which the search is based; and
e. a reasonable effort shall be made to notify the student's parent or guardian of the search.
Highline School District 401
Approved by the Superintendent: February 8, 1984
Revised by the Superintendent: 10.99