The superintendent or designee will be responsible for establishing student fee schedules for individual buildings on an annual basis. Each building shall submit an annual report to Business Services which includes a report indicating the fees collected by each department. In establishing fees for classes, the building administrator shall use the following guidelines:
A. Class registration literature shall describe fees for each class or activity.
B. A fee may be collected for any program in which the resultant product is in excess of minimum requirements and, at the student's option, becomes the personal property of the student. Fees may not exceed the cost of the materials. The district shall furnish materials for those introductory units of instruction where a student is acquiring the fundamental skills for the course. A student must be able to obtain the highest grade offered for the course without being required to purchase extra materials.
C. A fee may be collected for personal physical education and athletic equipment and apparel. However, any student may provide his/her own if it meets reasonable requirements and standards relating to health and safety established by the board.
D. A reasonable fee, not to exceed the actual annual maintenance cost, for the use of musical instruments and uniforms owned or rented by the district may be collected.
E. Students may be required to furnish personal or consumable items including pencils, paper, erasers, notebooks, workbooks, etc.
F. Security deposits for the return of materials or equipment may be collected. Provisions shall be made to return the deposit when the student returns the item at the conclusion of the school term.
G. A fee may be collected for a unit of instruction where the activity necessitates the use of facilities not available on the school premises, and participation in the course is optional on the part of the student.
H. A fee may be collected to cover the cost of student housing and/or meals while engaged in outdoor educational activities.
Fees shall not be levied for:
- Field trips required as part of a basic educational program or course.
- Textbooks (nonconsumable) which are designated as basic instructional materials for a course of study.
- Instructional costs for necessary staff employed in any course or educational program.
Fines or damage charges may be levied for lost textbooks, library books or equipment. In the event the student does not make proper restitution, grades, transcripts and/or diplomas will be withheld. The building principal may grant permission to allow a student to make restitution through a voluntary work program.
A charge for lost or damaged materials or equipment may be appealed to the superintendent. The superintendent's decision may be appealed to the board. The building principal shall take care to advise students and their parents/guardian, in writing, regarding the nature of the damages, how restitution may be made, and how a student or his/her parents may request a hearing. When damages are $100 or less, a parent/guardian and/or student has a right to appeal the imposition of a fine in a manner similar to that specified for a short-term suspension (Policy 3240). When damages exceed $100, the parent/guardian and/or student may request a hearing in the manner provided for in a long-term suspension (Policy 3240).
All fees shall be deposited by each school with the district business office on a regular basis per district policy. The respective departments and schools shall be credited by the amount of their deposit. Except for charges for lost or damaged materials or equipment, the building principal or designee may make arrangements for the waiver or reduction of fees for students who qualify for free or reduced lunch or for the McKinney-Vento program.
II. Procedure for Collection:
A. Transfer from one middle school to another middle school or from one high school to another high school:
1. The sending school shall attempt to collect any fees/fines/charges owed by a student or provide opportunities for the student to work off the fine prior to the student's transfer.
2. Even if not successful in collecting fees/fines/charges or making arrangements for working off fines, all records of the student will be sent to the receiving school (in district). The arrears should be highlighted by the sending school and attached on the outside of the student's record folder to bring it to the attention of the receiving school.
3. Upon entry of the student, the receiving school will assume the responsibility for attempting to collect such fees/fines/charges. If successful, all such monies will be retained by the school where the collection occurred.
B. Transition from elementary to middle school, or middle school to high school.
1. All records of students who owe fees/fines/charges will remain at the sending school until the fall registration date of receiving school unless paid or satisfied prior to that time.
2. Parents/students will be so notified in June that records, including report cards, will be held pending payment.
3. The receiving middle or high school will be notified in advance that the records of students owing money will be held and that these students are not to be registered until they have made arrangements to pay or an agreement has been established as to how the bill will be paid with the sending school.
4. When the sending school establishes an agreement with the parents/student that the fee/fines/charges will be paid or worked off at the receiving school, then the receiving school will assume the responsibility for collecting the fees/fines/charges or working off responsibilities and when completed or successful, all such monies will be retained by the school where collected.
C. As provided for in RCW 28A.635.060 grade reports, diplomas and transcripts may be withheld until the student's parents/guardians have paid for the fees/fines/charges.
It should be kept in mind that before any penalties are assessed upon a student, school authorities must ensure that a student's rights to due process are protected. Also, when the student and parents/guardians are unable to pay for the damages owed to the district, the district shall provide a program of voluntary work for the student in lieu of payment for such damages. Upon completion of the voluntary work, the grades, diploma, and transcript of the student shall be released.
Legal Reference:
Defacing or injuring school property--Liability of pupil, parent or guardian -- Voluntary work program as alternative -- Rights protected - RCW 28A.635.060
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Superintendent: 8.85
Revised by the Superintendent: 9.14, 8.17