Note: The official parent group referred to in these procedures will in most instances be the PTA, which has been provided preferred status by the school board. However, the general term "official parent group" has been used to include other parent groups that have been formed to raise funds for a specific school related project.
Guidelines for student fund-raising activities are as follows:
1. Student participation must be voluntary.
2. The fundraising activity must be generally limited to the vicinity of the individual school and not likely to create a poor public relations image. Door-to-door sales will not be allowed.
3. Fundraising activity efforts must not interfere with the school day.
4. Fundraising activities conducted by associated student bodies or sub-groups thereof must conform to the district ASB accounting requirements. Expenditures of all ASB funds must be approved by the executive board of the ASB and be part of their meeting minutes.
5. Fundraising activities conducted by outside groups (including parent groups) must not utilize district materials, supplies, facilities or staff unless reimbursement is made. Also, employees shall not engage in fundraising during the employee’s regular hours of work.
6. School official parent groups may sponsor fund-raising activities and may use the profits for school activities or projects. Parent groups may not fundraise during school hours, with the exception of Book Fairs, and smart snack compliant popcorn sales when approved by district and not in competition with ASB fundraising (elementary and MS).
7. If a schools official parent group and ASB co-sponsor fundraising activities, they should determine prior to the start of the event the proportional sharing of expenses and profits. It is strongly suggested this be in writing. General Fund Fundraisers should not be combined with other fundraisers.
8. The following student body or organization fund-raising activities are approved; any activity not listed below requires the approval of the Superintendent/designee:
a. Sales of goods (T-shirts, spiritwear, yearbooks, etc.), book fairs, cookie dough (if stored in freezer);
b. Car washes (verify restrictions with local authorities), rummage and garage sales, bazars, carnivals, family nights, etc.;
c. Dances, Student Stores, Sporting events, concessions, fun runs, camps, fashion shows - provided there is adequate supervision and liability protection;
d. ASB Raffles or must meet WA ST Gambling Commission rules and guidelines. Raffles and Auctions must be approved by Business Services prior to event;
e. Sprit focused, holiday, or general fundraisers (telegrams, flowers, pictures, smart snack compliant food, etc.);
f. Community based partnership with local businesses (handout flyers or help for % of revenue, sell discount cards/coupons) that contain a no solicitation statement;
g. Talent, variety, musical, and drama productions
9. All fundraising activities must be submitted to the ASB Coordinator for approval. Any single Fundraiser that the net profit exceeds $5,000 must get the approval of the Superintendent/designee on the fundraiser form.
10. Any outside group other than an official school-parent group must have superintendent or designee approval before conducting fund-raising activities at a school or on behalf of a school. The exception to this requirement allows outside groups or persons to work directly through established official parent organizations. Such an arrangement will require the parent organization to accept full responsibility to see that such fundraising is conducted consistent with district procedures. Such outside organizations or persons seeking to raise funds from or through students:
a. May not use school materials, supplies, facilities, or staff without proper reimbursement. Also, employees may not participate during their regular hours of work. Requests to the administration for access to students for purposes of fundraising should be referred to the Superintendent or designee.
b. Shall not collect money in school buildings as part of fundraising activities. Fund collections must be made by other means in other locations under the supervision of the official parent groups, except that each school may permit the official parent organization to maintain one box in the school's central office for deposit of envelopes containing funds from a permissible fund-raising activity. Access to boxes used as fund receptacles shall be available only to authorized parent group representatives. The parent groups’ box will not be locked up or secured in district cabinet or safe. The parent group leaves money at the site at their own risk and should be at events when money is collected at the school.
c. May display a sign announcing a fund-raising activity that clearly state the name of the outside organization. Brochures explaining the program may be made available to students through the school office.
11. Sales of commercial items to students on school time or to employees on paid time is prohibited unless authorized by the superintendent or designee. If such sales are authorized they must be conducted in a manner that minimizes interruptions of the instructional program.
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the School Board: August 1985
Revised by the Superintendent: 8.17