The district is committed to protecting students and staff from the exposure to diseases that pose serious public health threats.
School officials shall cooperate with the local health department which has the discretion to institute appropriate measures to control or eliminate the spread of a disease in the school population and/or community.
At the same time, the district will protect the staff member from discriminatory treatment in the event of any diagnostic health report or finding. The local health officer may exclude a staff member when it is determined that the staff member's health condition is endangering others. All such information will be treated as confidential.
Mandatory screening of employees for HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus) infection as a condition of employment is not warranted by current available data.
Staff Immunizations: Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
A. In order to safeguard the school community from the spreading of certain communicable diseases and in recognition that prevention is a means of combating the spreading of such diseases, the board strongly recommends that all susceptible school staff members (including volunteers and substitutes) complete an "Immunization History" form which will provide evidence of the employee/volunteer's immunity to tetanus-diphtheria (TD) and measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR).
B. Acceptable evidence of immunity will show the date of vaccination (month, day, year) with live virus vaccine at or after one year of age and/or a documentation signed by a physician showing the results of immune serum with serum titer.
C. For purposes of this policy, in regards to measles, "susceptible" means any staff member who was born after January 1, 1957. A "susceptible" staff member may be exempt from the requirements for immunization by filing a written objection to such immunization on the basis of religious grounds or when a private physician certifies that the staff member's physical condition contraindicates immunization.
D. In the event of an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease in school, the local health officer has the authority to exclude a susceptible staff member who has not provided documentation of immunity. Exemptions granted for religious or medical reasons are not sufficient ground for granting a waiver of an exclusion. A staff member who is excluded is not eligible to receive sick leave benefits for such purposes unless he/she is ill or temporarily physically disabled.
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Board: January 1988
Revised by the Board: 09.92, 11.92