Volunteer Coaches must be properly sponsored and cleared for their assignments. The following procedures are designed to ensure the safety and security of our students and staff; and to ensure that approved volunteer athletics coaches present good role models for students and add value to the athletic program(s).
1. Volunteer athletics coaches must be 21 years of age or older. They must be supervised by a staff member at all times and they are required to have valid CPR, First Aid, and concussion certification of training prior to being approved as a volunteer.
2. Volunteer athletics coaches must obtain and complete a Volunteer Application and Disclosure Form and a Volunteer Athletics Coach – Supplemental Application Form (areas of interest), which can be obtained from the office manager at the site(s) at which they intend to volunteer.
a. The Volunteer Application and Disclosure Form and the Volunteer Athletics Coach – Supplemental Application Form are submitted to the school athletic director (AD) for initial review and approval. The school AD will alert the appropriate school administrator and the district Athletic Director that a volunteer is interested and being considered.
b. The school AD will verify and make a copy of the applicant’s driver’s license, passport, or other Washington state photo ID. The school AD will ensure that the volunteer has all required certifications (First Aid, CPR and concussion) or that these trainings will be completed prior to final approval of the application and attach supporting documentation to the application packet.
c. The applicant is interviewed by the school AD, head coach and other individuals if desired; the AD completes a minimum of two confidential reference checks on the successful applicant.
d. The complete volunteer application form, to include the Volunteer Application and Disclosure Form, Volunteer Athletics Coach – Supplemental Application Form, photo ID, evidence of required certifications, and confidential reference forms will then be reviewed and signed by the school AD and building administrator.
e. Once signed by the building administrator, the school AD presents the completed application packet and all supporting documentation, including confidential reference checks, to the district Athletic Director for final review and approval.
f. The district Athletic Director reviews the complete application packet and recommends final approval or disapproval, then submits the volunteer packet to the HR Volunteer Coordinator. The district Athletic Director instructs the school AD to notify the head coach and volunteer of the approval or disapproval.
g. Upon approval, the volunteer will be directed by the school AD to contact the Human Resources (HR) Office for fingerprinting. Volunteers then will be instructed to report to the Security Department for a temporary, volunteer coach badge.
3. Volunteer Application and Disclosure Forms, Volunteer Athletics Coach – Supplemental Application Forms, and all associated documents must be received by the Human Resources Department at least ten days in advance of the scheduled activity to ensure adequate time for processing and notification of the applicant and schools.
4. All volunteer athletic coach applicants must report to the Human Resources Department to complete required fingerprinting prior to formal clearance. The cost of this initial background check will be paid by the district. If volunteering for subsequent school years, volunteer athletic coaches will be subject to the WATCH check in lieu of the formal background check. The district reserves the right to conduct additional background checks for reports of misconduct or if the applicant has not been fingerprinted in the last two years (OSPI database typically maintains on file for two years).
5. Failure to disclose information as verified through the formal background check will result in an automatic denial of the volunteer athletic coach application.
6. The Human Resources Department will review all Volunteer Application and Disclosure Forms and background check information and approve or disapprove applications. Certain convictions will be cause for denying volunteer applications. Upon review, a formal letter will be issued to the volunteer, with a copy to the principal and supervisor, indicating whether the volunteer application is approved or denied. Applicants may request a copy of the background check in order to provide additional information in the form of a written response to the finding(s) if their application has been denied and they believe the additional information warrants further consideration. The Director of Human Resources, or designee, will review the additional information and reissue a revised letter if necessary. Denied applicants may also request a formal interview with the Human Resource Department to further explain the circumstance surrounding the event.
7. No volunteer athletics coach will be allowed to report for any volunteer assignment involving students or access to school grounds without a formal letter of approval on record at the assigned location stating that the volunteer has been cleared by the Human Resources Department. In addition, volunteer athletic coaches must obtain, and wear at all times, a valid district issued volunteer coach identification badge issued by the Security Department.
8. Applications for volunteer athletic coaches must be completed on an annual basis.
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Superintendent: October 2014