Equity is a foundation of the Strategic Plan of Highline Public Schools. (https://www.highlineschools.org/about/strategic-plan)
As Highline works to, “disrupt institutional biases and end inequitable practices,” (Policy 0100) we frequently engage students, families, and community members who are directly impacted by those biases and practices. Asking such individuals to volunteer their time and expertise while others receive compensation hinders full and open participation. Highline believes that removing financial barriers for those individuals fosters increased access to discussions and decision making, and ultimately leads to more equitable and sustainable outcomes.
Below are the parameters for honorariums…
- Using their existing, available budgets, a district leader may approve an honorarium for an individual who meets these three conditions:
1) The individual is engaged in a district activity where equity is a stated focus.
2) The individual has lived experiences to support their participation.
3) The individual is not already being compensated for their participation. (Highline staff may not receive honorariums.)
- Honorariums are always and only $100 for an individual selected to present or actively participate in a formal district event, presentation, or training series. An individual may receive more than one honorarium, but they must be for equity efforts that are distinct.
- A single individual who receives more than $600 from the district in a calendar year will have mandatory IRS 1099 reporting.
- Honorariums are a nominal gesture of appreciation and recognition, and are not stipends, extra service contracts, or employment/service agreements. They are not compensation for hours worked or time spent preparing.
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Superintendent: 4.22