Cash Handling
The following cash handling procedures apply to all district money. This includes all public money (General Fund, ASB Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Debt Service Fund, and Transportation Vehicle Fund) and private money held by the district in a fiduciary capacity (Trust Funds).
PTA, booster club, and foundation money is private money. District employees should not be handling the cash for these private organizations.
Employee social and coffee funds may be created and the cash handled by district employees. This money is private money. Activity must be limited to the intended purpose of the fund. This money is not to be co-mingled with public money.
Cash Receipting and Depositing Procedures
- Theft, fraud, and misuse of public money is a violation of State law and district procedures. Such action may result in adverse employment and criminal prosecution.
- A District approved receipt is to be prepared for all cash and checks accepted. Receipts will be generated by the District’s computer software. Please refer to instructions for preparing receipts with the district’s computer software. Only in emergencies should hand written receipts be prepared on district issued, pre-numbered receipt forms. Hand written receipts will have to be entered into the District’s computer software.
- Hand written receipts are to be used in numerical order and filed in numerical order. Keep all voided receipts.Do not discard. Call the Accounting Department to order receipts. Do not buy your own receipts.
- Receipts must include the following information: who it is from; what it is for; receipt composition (cash or check) and amount of each; check number (if applicable); account number; and date of transaction. Hand written receipts should also include the signature or initials of person receiving money.
- It is helpful to write both the parent’s name and the student’s name on the receipt, if the last names are different. It is also helpful to write the receipt number on the check.
- The “Pay To The Order Of” on checks must be filled out with your school’s name or Highline School District. Immediately stamp or write the school’s name if this has been left blank and immediately endorse the back of the check with your bank endorsement stamp. If you receive a check written to an individual, have the individual endorse the check over to the District. Never tell students or parents to write checks made out to an individual.
- Elementary schools should make a minimum of one deposit per week. Secondary schools should make a minimum of three deposits per week. Whenever a significant amount of cash is collected, a deposit should be made promptly. All undeposited money must be locked in a safe.
- All cash receipts shall be deposited intact. No check cashing or change making is permitted with receipted, undeposited cash. Checks may not be more than the fee or obligation. No disbursements are to be made from receipted, undeposited cash. This is a violation of State law.
- To deposit your money, count your currency and list the total on the bank deposit slip (2-part form). Sort the currency by denomination. Count your coin and list the total on the bank deposit slip. The coin should be loose, not rolled. Run two adding machine tapes on your checks and list the total on the bank deposit slip. Add the three totals and list the grand total on the bank deposit slip. The grand total on the deposit slip must equal the total of your cash receipts batch proof report and the system generated deposit slip (and your actual cash). Write the bank bag number, the cash receipt batch number and your signature on the bank deposit slip. Call the Accounting Department to order pre-numbered bank deposit slips. Do not buy your own bank deposit slips.
- Place all money, two copies of the deposit slip, and one of the adding machine tapes in the bank bag and lock it.
- File one copy of the deposit slip, the other adding machine tape of your checks, and your cash receipt batch distribution report together.
- Fill out the Bank Bag Receipt. Keep the form with the bank bag.
- Keep the bank bag in the safe until the district mail driver arrives. Have the driver sign the Bank Bag Receipt. The driver takes the white copy and the bank bag. The yellow copy is kept at the school until that bank bag is returned.
- The Accounting Department will reconcile returned bank deposit slips with cash receipt distribution batches. The Accounting Department will notify locations of any cash over and short, and will process corrections. Your cash receipts batch will be posted into the general ledger (which means information will be appear on reports) two to three days after your deposit.
Non Sufficient Funds Checks (NSF Checks)
If you have an NSF check, you will be notified by Accounting. Accounting will send you the NSF check. Services should be terminated or goods withheld, if possible.
Make a phone call to the NSF party as soon as possible after the check is returned. Record the time, date, and response to the call on the slip attached to the returned check. Services should be terminated or goods withheld if possible.
If, after a five-day period, you are unsuccessful in collecting, mail a note to the NSF party. Include in the note the date of the check, the check number, amount, and what the check was in payment for. Keep a copy of your note.
If all attempts fail and the check is considered uncollectable by you and the principal/director, send the slip showing the attempts of collection to the Accounting Department.
Accounting will process a negative cash receipts batch which will reduce your revenue account amounts in the general ledger.
If you are able to receive a second replacement check from the NSF party and treat it as a normal receipt with the revenue being recognized in the general ledger.
A list of all NSF checks that were not replaced with sufficient funds will be reported to the Accounting Department annually.
Petty Cash
- Petty cash funds can be established at your site by request. Please complete a Petty Cash Fund Request form and submit to the Accounting Department. The Accounting department will issue you a check. Do not write your own check from the Schools Checking account to establish petty cash.
- To replenish petty cash, submit a Petty Cash Fund Claim form with attached receipts to Accounts Payable. Account Payable will issue you a check to replenish your petty cash. Do not write your own check from the Schools Checking account to replenish petty cash.
- At the close of the school year, all petty cash funds must be returned to the Accounting Department. The Accounting Department will redeposit your petty cash. Do not make your own deposit of petty cash funds.
- Only expenditures which relate to the program for which the fund is set up are to be made.
- Expenditures should not exceed $25.00 per item.
- Improper expenditures will not be reimbursed. This would include food items purchased in violation of district policy, gifts, awards, travel expenses, personal items, or independent contractors.
- All replenishment claims must be supported by original sales slips or cash register tapes.
- Claims should be made at least once a month. Separate claims should be submitted for General Fund expenditures and ASB Fund expenditures. Do not combine funds on the same claim form.
- Any lost or misspent funds are the ultimate responsibility of the supervisor who has signed for the Petty Cash funds on the Petty Cash Fund Request form.
Schools Checking Account
The schools checking account is to be used for purchases under $300. Your general, normal operations for purchasing goods and services should be through the requisition-purchase order route.
Blank checks must be stored in a locked, secure safe or cabinet with limited access. It is a violation of district procedures to pre-sign blank checks. Checks can only be signed if the payee’s name has been entered on the check and it is an appropriate district expenditure, and it is an appropriate use of the school checking account.
The School Checking Account is not to be used for the following:
- Items subject to the bid law. Examples: Computers, printers, printer cartridges, computer supplies, office supplies, paper, athletic uniforms, and copier supplies.
- Staff travel. The State Auditor requires all staff travel to be paid by district warrant. Staff travel inclues conference registrations, lodging, meals, and mileage.
- Purchases from staff members. (Board Policy 6230). Examples of violations: used computers or VCRs, plants, goods, or services from staff member’s private business.
- Independent Contractors. (IRS regulation). Example of violations: Speakers for staff development, for assemblies, or ASB entertainers.
- Payments over $300. Writing multiple checks for the same purchase is a violation. Exceptions to this threshold can only be approved in writing by the Accounting Department.
- Carpets, Mats. (Fire Marshall safety requirement).
- Memberships in employee professional associations.
- Installations of equipment, wiring, blinds. (Public works regulation).
- Telephones. (Maintenance of standards).
- Deposits on services and facilities when total costs exceeds $300.
- Field trips which require special insurance.
- Payments to the Highline School District.
- Gifts of Public Funds or Entertainment (Washington State Constitution). Cash prizes and general gift certificates are never appropriate expenditures. Prizes which are not of a nominal value (over $25) are also a violation.
The following documentation is required.
- Original receipts that total the check amount must be attached. Receipts or order forms must be from outside vendors. Please attach a calculator tape if there is more than one receipt.
- The items purchased must be clearly identified on the receipt or itemized on the request for check form. Writing “supplies” or “instructional materials” is not specific or sufficient . If the purchase would appear uncommon or questionable to an auditor, provide a description of the purpose of the purchase.
- All ASB expenditures must include the student officer signature at secondary schools.
- Refunds to students or parents need documented proof of payment (receipt).
- A list of student names for student competition fees.
- The teacher(s) name and the number of students and adults for field trip entrance fees.
- Voided checks must be turned into budgeting and accounting listing the reason for voiding the check. Write VOID on the face of the check.
- Checks made out to yourself need your supervisor’s signature on the request for check form.
- Food purchases must comply with district policy #6240. Documentation required are receipts, agenda, and a list of attendees.
The following steps need to be taken:
- Fully complete the request for check form.
- Refer to the Account Code Authorization Sheet for proper approval signatures.
- Submit the completed Request For Check form with attached receipts to Accounts Payable within 2 days of writing the check.
- Pay sales tax to the vendor only if the vendor bills for tax. Accounts Payable will pay tax directly to the state (compensating tax) when appropriate.
Associated Student Body Funds
The following guidelines will be in effect in the operation of the respective associated student bodies:
1. The principal will appoint the primary advisor to the ASB. They will be responsible for designating advisors to the various student subgroup organizations affiliated with the ASB. For schools with no grade higher than grade five, the board may delegate the authority to a staff member to act as the associated student body.
2. The principal will be responsible for supervising the accounting functions to be performed at the building level. The building level accounting procedures will be consistent with the accounting functions performed at the district office level.
3. At the beginning of each year, the ASB will submit a report which describes in summary those activities which constitute ASB programs.
4. The ASB will participate in the determination of the purposes for which ASB financial resources will be budgeted and disbursed. Such purposes will be reflected in the ASB budget, which is submitted to the board of directors for its approval.
5. The ASB will approve all expenditures before money will be disbursed from the fund by listing vendor and costs on signed meeting minutes. In the event that an associated student body student group conducts fund raising or solicits donations for scholarships, student exchanges and charitable purposes, the associated student body group will approve all expenditures of money so raised.
6. ASB funds may be used for purposes consistent with school district policy and approved by the governing body of the organization, subject to the provisions incorporated into the student body constitution and bylaws. Private non-associated student body fund money held by the district is limited to scholarships, charitable contributions, and student exchange programs, and is limited to funds denoted for that specific purpose, that have been so identified at the time of their collection, and that have been held in trust exclusively for donative purpose. Such funds must be contributed and raised on a voluntary basis.
7. Fundraising activities not associated with an ASB sponsored organization, including raising private non-associated student body funds, are not permitted by law to be done under the direction or supervision of staff, nor with the use of district equipment, supplies, facilities, or other district resources unless the district is fully reimbursed for all such costs. The principal will have the authority to arrange for non-ASB funds to be held in trust in separate accounts in the fund.
8. For schools with students in grade six or above, evidence of student approval must appear on all vouchers and ASB approval forms supporting a disbursement of ASB money. This includes purchase orders and check requests.
9. ASB moneys must be on deposit with the county treasurer, with the exception of petty cash. Such funds will be administered in the manner required by the regulations of the state board of education.
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Superintendent: August 1986
Revised by the Superintendent: 04.03, 02.20 (Formerly Procedures 7410 and 7415)