The following guidelines will be used in providing refreshments at staff and volunteer meetings:
I. Beverages
District funds can be used to support refreshments, such as coffee and tea, in cases where all or most of the participants are away from their normal school or worksite or when the meeting is at the worksite but is clearly of a non-routine nature. Only meetings held on weekends, evenings, or non-school day workshops or retreats of a department/school or a special study session involving a significant number of school volunteers qualify. In all other cases, non-alcoholic liquid refreshments are to be supported by individual staff members or through staff social funds. For situations where routine meetings involve some combination of worksite and non-worksite persons, a shared district/employee funding arrangement may be implemented but only with advanced approval of the appropriate assistant superintendent.
II. Snacks and Meals
Snacks and meals generally will not be financed from district funds but rather will be supported by individual participants and/or staff social funds. Exceptions may occur when the meeting is a half-day or more in duration, when it occurs outside the normal workday for the majority of those involved, or when a significant number of the participants are non-district employees such as school volunteers, state department personnel, or visitors from other agencies or school districts. Exceptions can also be made when conditions of an external or non-state funded program call for the provision of snacks or meals. The superintendent may make additional exceptions when he/she determines that the best interest of the district will be served. In all cases where district funds are used, the benefits should clearly accrue to the district programs rather than to the individuals or outside organizations involved. Meetings must not be for the purpose of promotional hosting, of influencing an election campaign or ballot proposition, or of any other actions contrary to state law.
III. Prior Approval for Meals
Meals paid either in full or in part from district funds must be purchased with the proper budget authorization prior to purchase.
Highline School District 401
Adopted by the Superintendent: May 1991
Revised by the Superintendent: 10.92, 04.03, 12.18, 02.20 (Formally 7325)