Student Conduct on Buses
Any behavior on a bus which, in the opinion of the driver, is detrimental to the safe operation of the bus shall be deemed misconduct and shall be sufficient cause for disciplinary action to be taken.
I. General Guidelines for Handling Misconduct:
A. The driver will identify the student responsible for the misconduct. Drivers will take every step within their authority to deal with or prevent any reoccurrence of the misconduct.
B. If the student's behavior does not improve, the driver will issue a "Bus Conduct Report" to that student citing the nature of the misconduct. Depending on the severity of the misconduct, a "Bus Conduct Report" may be issued on the first offense.
C. One copy of the report will be given to the student with the request that the parent sign and return the report to the school administrator. The other copies will be forwarded directly to the school administrator who will determine if disciplinary action is required which may include suspension of riding privileges.
II. First Bus Conduct Report:
When a student receives a "Bus Conduct Report," the school administrator may deny the student bus riding privileges for a period of up to five (5) days. Parents or guardians will be notified in writing of the denial by the school administrator. An appeal conference with the school administrator may be requested.
III. Second Bus Conduct Report:
When a student receives a second "Bus Conduct Report," the following procedures will apply:
1. In the case of elementary students, a denial of bus riding privileges for a period of up to ten (10) days will be imposed if determined appropriate by the school administrator.
2. In the case of secondary students, a denial of bus riding privileges for a period of up to ninety (90) days will be imposed if determined appropriate by the school administrator.
IV. A reinstatement of bus riding privileges after a suspension of ten (10) days or more will occur only after a conference has been held with the student, his or her parent or guardian if not emancipated, and the school administrator, and there is sufficient reason to believe the student will comply with written bus rules and will not by his or her presence jeopardize the health or safety of others while on the bus.
V. If the student or parent/guardian disagrees with suspension of riding privileges of ten (10) days or more, a formal hearing may be requested by contactingthe area administrator.
VI. Emergency Action:
Any student whose behavior is of such a nature that his or her continued presence on the bus would, in the judgement of the driver, endanger the health or safety of others will be removed immediately. Students will be removed enroute at the nearest school or nearest bus stop and the driver will issue a "Bus Conduct Report" at that time.
Highline School District 401
Approved by the Superintendent: November 13, 1985