
Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

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Social Media Account Registration Form

Highline staff members are allowed to set up and manage social media accounts that represent schools, departments, programs, athletic teams and clubs.

The following types of social media accounts are allowed for departments, programs, classrooms, athletic teams and clubs: Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube.

In addition to the list above, schools may also have a Facebook Page. 

These accounts must be approved by the Communications Department before they are created. All posts and direct messages on these accounts are public records. Staff must agree to the account owner requirements outlined in the registration form. 

Before seeking approval from the Communication Department, please discuss your plans for the social media account with your school principal or department administrator. Their approval is required as part of the approval process.

After getting approval from your school principal or department administrator please complete this online form. The form must be completed for each social media account you would like to create. 

The Communications Department will notify your school principal or department administrator after receiving the registration form to confirm their approval. 

Once approved, account owners will be responsible for creating the account except for Facebook Pages. After the account is created, account owners must notify the Communications Department who will connect it with ArchiveSocial, the district tool that archives social media content per state law. If you would like to create a Facebook Page for your school, the Communications Department will set it up and give you management access after you complete the registration process.

Account owners must commit to posting relevant, interesting, and engaging content. Accounts must remain active the entire school year. Account owners are required to post content two times a week when school is in session. 

Principals and department administrators who approve an account are required to actively monitor the account, ensuring the content meets the guidelines outlined in Policy and Procedures 4309 as well as in this form.

If you are a teacher interested in creating a YouTube channel for your classroom and will be using your email address to set up the account, you do not need to register the account with the Communications Department. Only YouTube channels representing schools, departments, programs or clubs need to be registered. 

Many staff members have X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram accounts that do not represent their school or program, but do represent them or their classrooms. If your account meets at least one of the following criteria, it must be registered with the communications office:

  • The account is connected to your OR email address.
  • The account’s primary purpose is to promote your classroom, school, or district.

District approved social media accounts may not promote a product or service outside of Highline Public Schools. If you use a personal social media account that is promoting a product or service, please ensure that it does not conflict with our district's values or imply endorsement by Highline Public Schools or one of our schools.

If you are not sure or have questions about the registration process, contact the Communications Department at 206-631-3002. 

Registration Form

**Please submit a separate form for each social media account.


Who is the account managerrequired
First Name
Last Name
This may change when you set up the account. Please notify Communications if this changes at set up.
All accounts must be set up using your Highline Outlook or Google email address.
Describe the purpose or goal of the social media account and who the intended audience will be.
Who is your school principal or department administrator?required
First Name
Last Name
Have you discussed your plan to create a social media channel with your school principal or department administrator? Is your school principal or department administrator aware that they are responsible for any and all content you post? requiredPlease note administrator approval is required as part of the approval process.
Please note administrator approval is required as part of the approval process.

Account Manager Agreements

As the social media account administrator, I agree to the following social media account manager agreements.

  • The social media account I am setting up is for the purpose of communicating information about my school, program, department, athletic team or club with students, families, and/or staff. This page is not intended to replace direct student, family and staff communication such as course-specific information, deadlines or grades.

  • My principal or department administrator has given me the approval to create and maintain this social media account.

  • My principal or a designee will have administrative access to this social media account at all times and has agreed to periodically monitor the account. 

  • I will commit to sharing content on the account at least two times per week when school is in session.

  •  I will create and manage this social media account using my Highline Public Schools email address as the contact email ( OR

  •  I will ensure the account meets the social media provider’s terms of use.

  • I will not post or discuss individual student data on this social media account and will otherwise comply with the data-sharing requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

  •  I will not post pictures, video or information on this social media account associated with students who are on the  FERPA opt-out list.

  • I will not discriminate against students or family members who choose not to participate on social media and who therefore do not have access to this account.

  • I will not use this social media account as the exclusive form of communication for my school, program or department, to ensure that those who do not use social media still have access to the information.

  • I will provide updated account name and password information to the Communications Department.

  •  I have read and understand Highline Public Schools Policy No. 4309, 4309P, and 4309P1 – Staff

  • I understand that the Communications Department will do annual audits of registered social media accounts and has the right to archive this account and remove my access if I do not meet these requirements.

  • If I choose to share the account’s password with a student to help manage the account, I commit to being responsible for all information shared on the account.