COVID Health & Safety
Building Access & Visitation
When are Masks Required?
- Mask Wearing
- Accommodations for Student's with Disabilities
- School Buses and Transportation
- Sporting or Extracurricular Events
Mask Wearing
Adult and child disposable masks will also be available as supplies last.
Assistance will be provided to students with disabilities who may need help with handwashing and respiratory etiquette behaviors.
Students are encouraged to wash hands upon entry into the classroom or other learning spaces. Schools should teach and reinforce handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Accommodations for Student's with Disabilities
Students and staff who are immunocompromised, medically fragile, and/or otherwise at high risk for severe disease should consult their health care provider about whether or not to continue wearing well-fitted masks.
Staff who serve students with disabilities who require close contact should strongly consider wearing appropriate PPE when providing care. In addition, schools should leverage recommended mitigation measures in meeting the needs of their high-risk populations, following all existing state and federal guidance in doing so.
The district will provide masks and other appropriate PPE to staff, students and visitors as needed or desired.
School Buses and Transportation
Physical distancing and masking are no longer required for bus transportation. Staff are encouraged to leave windows open to air out the bus after runs and clean as needed, but are asked by the Department of Health to refrain from fogging or misting the bus with disinfectant.
Students and staff are encouraged to maintain strong hand washing and sanitizing etiquette both before and after boarding a bus.
Any mask requirements or recommendations in schools extend to school buses.
Sporting or Extracurricular Events
In general, masks will not be universally required during activities such as PE and/or athletics. Well-fitting masks may be temporarily required for individuals by DOH and/or local public health in some situations.
Masks may also be universally required during outbreaks in classrooms or with groups of students (e.g., a choir class or a sports team) to limit disease transmission and ensure in-person instruction and care, as well as during high aerosol activities (band, choir, etc.).
Physical Distancing
There are no physical distancing requirements at this time.
Handwashing and Respiratory Etiquette
General Guidance
Sanitizing stations will continue to be available in all hallways. These may include disinfectant wipes, antibacterial hand soap and hand sanitizer.
Adult and child disposable masks will also be available.
Assistance will be provided to students with disabilities who may need help with handwashing and respiratory etiquette behaviors.
Students are encouraged to wash hands upon entry into the classroom or other learning spaces. Schools should teach and reinforce handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and increase monitoring to ensure adherence among students and staff.
Extra-Curricular and Performing Arts
- The sharing of equipment will be reduced as much as possible.
- For shared instruments, students should have their own mouthpieces and allow the instrument to sit for 24 hours between uses.
- Schools will maximize ventilation of the space as much as possible. If a space is smaller and/or not well-ventilated, schools will supplement with portable HEPA air cleaners.
Signs & Guidance
Cleaning and Maintaining Healthy Facilities
Cleaning and Maintenance
Highline Public Schools meets or exceeds the Department of Health ventilation guidance, and will build on these basic requirements.
Highline Public Schools will continue to:
- Change filters as needed (clogged filters decrease HVAC operation, stress the fan motors, and decrease ability to improve indoor air quality). Visually check the filter for a tight fit within the frame and ensure there are no rips or tears.
- Inspect and clean the entire system at least as often as recommended by the manufacturer or installer. Make repairs quickly to prevent more serious issues.
- Reduce recirculation of air; increase/maximize outside air. Increase filtration exchanges to every 15 minutes. MERV 13 is recommended, if possible.
- Bring in outside air continuously two hours prior to occupancy and for two hours after occupancy, including while cleaning and disinfection is occurring.
- Inspect and maintain local exhaust ventilation in restrooms, kitchens, cooking areas, labs, etc. Increase exhaust ventilation from restrooms above code minimums.
- Work with a building engineer or HVAC specialist to generate air movement that goes from clean-to-less-clean air. Provide Portable HEPA air cleaners upon request, which can supplement ventilation and are most critical in rooms with poorer ventilation or in isolation areas.
Air Quality Standards
As of January 2021, Highline Public Schools replaced all filters, and the air handling units were set to exchange air beyond industry standards, from 15 minutes to 8-10 minutes. As of January 2023, air units were recalibrated to allow four complete air exchanges in the building every hour, which is in compliance with industry standards.
Operable windows may be opened for additional circulation; however, all doors leading into a hallway are to remain closed, as per fire and life safety code. While our HVAC/filtration systems currently meet the standards set forth by the CDC and Department of Health, Highline Public Schools continue to test airflow and filtration systems regularly.
Fresh Air Supply
The CDC recommends fresh air supply of 20 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per person. The CDC standard assumes 25-30 students in a 980 square foot classroom. Highline meets this standard in all buildings.
In addition, Highline Public Schools has worked with McKinstry to develop a detailed Investment Grade Audit (IGA) of HVAC upgrades to improve ventilation airflow and Indoor Air Quality in classrooms. The following schools have been selected for the HVAC Upgrade Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund(ESSER) Funding Project:
- Beverly Park Elementary School
- Big Picture High School (Manhattan site)
- New Start High School (Salmon Creek site)
- Sylvester Middle School
- Valley View Early learning Center
Updates are scheduled to be completed in September/October 2023.
The main focus at these buildings is to improve classroom ventilation and comfort by replacing aged unit ventilators, installing new steam lines, and upgrading electrical infrastructure to accommodate the new equipment electrical requirement. Classrooms that do not meet air quality recommendations are equipped with portable air filtration machines.
Air Quality Standards FAQs
- How often are the filters in air exchange units changed or cleaned?
- Some older HVAC systems have metal filters. How are those maintained?
- How was air exchange measured in classrooms?
- How are air exchange requirements calculated?
- Do you have a ventilation question that is not answered here?
How often are the filters in air exchange units changed or cleaned?
Some older HVAC systems have metal filters. How are those maintained?
How was air exchange measured in classrooms?
How are air exchange requirements calculated?
- Measure length and width of the classroom to get square footage (L x W = SF)
- Multiply the height of the classroom by the square footage to get the cubic footage (L x W x H = CF)
- Multiply the room's cubic feet by 4, which is the minimum ASHRAE* standard for the number of air exchanges (AE) per hour in a classroom (CF x 4 = AE)
- Divide the air exchange result by 60 (minutes in an hour) to determine the minimum cubic foot per minute (CFM) we need to meet the ASHRAE standard.
- Room size: 30 x 30 = 900 SF
- 900 SF X 8 foot ceiling = 7,200 CF
- 7,200 X 4 (air exchanges per hour) = 28,800 CF to meet the standard of air blowing in per hour
- 28,800 CF divided by 60 = 480 CFM to determine the minimum CFM we need to come out from the vent
- We use an anemometer to measure the CFM coming out of the vents in the room.
- We compare this number to the minimum ASHREA requirement.
* American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
Do you have a ventilation question that is not answered here?
Please send your questions to We will post answers here.
**No new updates as of February 29, 2024