68.8% bond approval rate
November 8, 2022 Letter from Dr. Duran
Dear Highline Families, Staff and Community,
Initial election returns are in. With 65.97 percent voting in favor, it appears that Proposition 1: Highline Schools Bond will pass!
We are grateful to Highline voters for supporting our students by providing safe and modern learning facilities at Evergreen High School, Tyee High School and Pacific Middle School, as well as providing funds for critical improvements across the district.
We pledge to continue our record of good stewardship of your bond funds with on-time, on-budget construction projects. If you are not a current Highline family or staff member, I invite you to sign up to receive our district e-newsletter service so you can stay updated on these construction projects and other district news.
We want to thank the members of the Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC) who recommended this 2022 bond as part of their long-term facilities planning. The investment and leadership of this volunteer-led committee is key to providing our students with schools built for today’s learning and safety standards.
I am inspired and energized by our community’s support for our students and staff. I am proud to be your superintendent. I look forward to building new schools with you and preparing your students for the future they choose.
Dr. Ivan Duran
Highline Public Schools