Secondary Enrollment
Dual Language Middle Schools
- Cascade: Grades 6-8, Spanish
- Grades 6-8, Vietnamese
- Chinook: Grades 6-8, Spanish
- Glacier: Grades 6-8, Spanish
- Pacific: Grade 6*, Spanish
dual language high schools
- Evergreen: Grades 9-12, Spanish
- Grades 9-10, Vietnamese
- Highline: Grades 9-12, Spanish
- Tyee; Grades 9-10, Spanish
*Please note: grade level is for the 2024-2025 school year. Another grade level will be added each year until the program is schoolwide.
Watch this video to see what bilingual education looks like in middle school.
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How to Enroll
IF YOU are a current dual language student:
- Fifth-grade students currently enrolled in dual language will be automatically enrolled in the dual language program at their feeder pattern middle school.
- Eighth-grade students currently enrolled in dual language at Cascade will be automatically enrolled in the dual language program at Evergreen High School.
- Eighth-grade students currently enrolled in dual language at Glacier will be automatically enrolled in the dual language program at Evergreen High School or Highline High School depending on which high school service area they live in.
- Eighth-grade students currently enrolled in dual language at Chinook will be automatically enrolled in the dual language program at Tyee High School.
- If you do not want to be automatically enrolled or have questions about dual language enrollment, please contact Language Learning at 206-631-3035.
- New students and students from the elementary feeder schools for these programs who have the necessary language skills may be assessed and offered placement in the dual language program as space is available.
if you don't live in a service area of a dual language school:
Phone: 206-631-3035
E-mail: Dual Language