Investments in Professional Learning and Diagnostic Assessments
Redesign Strategies
Highline’s redesign strategies build on the response and recovery strategies while moving the system forward in fulfillment of the district’s current strategic plan. These strategies are supporting the district in responding to the immediate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic but will further develop over the next two years to redesign how Highline leads the learning of students and adults and promotes equitable practices. Specifically outlined in this section are the many ways in which Highline’s Strategic Growth & Mastery goals also align with the Professional Learning & Diagnostic Assessment Priorities that were recommended by OSPI under ESSER.
- Standards Based Grading Design and Rollout
- Technology Professional Development
- Virtual Academy
- Adult Wellness
- Leadership Pathways
- Data Analysis, Staff Recruitment, and Retention
- Highline Virtual Elementary
- Strategic Staffing
- Peer Mentors
- Annual Substitutes
Standards Based Grading Design and Rollout
Transitioning the district to Standards Based Grading is a redesign strategy supported by Highline’s Strategic Plan. Over $600k will be invested in the following projects:
- Standards Based Grading: Standards Based Grading (SBG) is an equitable grading approach that centers a growth mindset and functions as a set of teacher practices that promote student learning across the same content and skills for their respective grade-level; no matter the individual school a student attends or teacher they have. (Overseen by Bernard Koontz)
- Director, Standards Based Grading: Planning for standards based grading has been in progress for the last three years, ramping up to the 2022-23 school year. Additional intentional support will be necessary, both directly for schools' technical and adaptive change, and also for the system, as we iterate and improve to support all schools in full implementation in the 2023-24 school year. If we fund a director of SBG implementation, who would partner with leaders to implement at Phase 1 and Phase 2 schools, as well as designing a replicable model for all schools in subsequent years, support all schools in full implementation in the 2023-24 school year. (Led by Bernard Koontz)
- Design and Implementation of Common Rubrics: In order to successfully launch standards-based grading in the 2023-24 school year, district wide, we need to finalize components of standards-based grading that are key elements. One of the major components of standards-based grading is for our teachers to implement common rubrics for our essential/prioritized common core state standards. This work, while predominantly completed by our teaching and learning specialists, will need additional time to connect with classroom teachers on the development. (Led by Kathy Emerick)
- Gradebook Application Specialist: In order to support the technical implementation of this system in alignment with our goal for every school to be in full implementation by 2023-2024, we are investing in a designated 1.0 in FTE to lead aspects of developing the technical assistance, training, systems and structures within the district. This investment pays for salaries and benefits. (Led by Meghan Terwillegar)
- Digital Learning Cohort: Feedback from SBG Implementation team, SBI Cadre, and current partner schools informs the planning of professional learning opportunities for 22-23 related to Synergy Grade Book implementation. School leaders were informed of the training plan and have identified appropriate team members to participate in the Digital Learning Cohort as the Grade Book lead for their building. (Led by Meghan Terwillegar)
- Accessing this Resource: This is a braided strategy and is not available for school-based allocations.
- Investment Period: 2021-22 SY; 2022-2023 SY
- 2021-22 Impact Highlights, Standards Based Grading Design & Rollout: In 2021-22, under the direction of the SBG implementation team, both secondary and elementary gradebook default settings have been designed per HPS standards-based grading philosophy. We have learned and planned for standards-based grading and are on track for full implementation of this strategy by the Fall 2023.
Technology Professional Development
In support of both elementary remote learning and our transition to Edupoint under Standards Based Grading, we have invested additional ESSER funds to provide professional learning opportunities and materials for instructional staff. These investments are outlined as follows:
Investment | Target Staff | Rationale |
ISTE Educator Series | Digital Learning Cohort: Elementary Remote Instructional Staff | These sessions are directly aligned with the needs of our buildings regarding the Dig & Med Lit strategic plan goal and our district emphasis on UDL. |
Digital Learning Cohort Extra Service Hours | Digital Learning Cohort Only | Extra service for DLC members to plan and facilitate training for their staff on topics related to the key areas of acceleration, equity, and UDL in the context of technology integration will support district goals related to addressing lost learning. |
UDL and Blended Learning Text | Digital Learning Cohort Only |
To promote our strategic plan gals of Digital & Media Literacy, and facilitate alignment with UDL |
Gale eBooks (Virtual and Remote Learning Collections | All Staff | Professional learning resources to promote our strategic plan goal of Digital & Media Literacy |
Programmatic Data Specialist (.5 FTE) | All Staff | Support the Digital Learning Team with CH and digital tool management |
- 2021-22 Impact Highlights, Technology Professional Development: In addition to the development of gradebook settings, Digital Learning Cohort leads (one representative from each building) engaged in paid professional learning that focused on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and the WA State Ed Tech Standards. The cohort enrolled & engaged 20 district leaders who completed 88% of planned classes (one class was canceled during the Covid-19 community surge in January of 2022).
Virtual Academy
Building on the curriculum and standards developed and implemented under Standards Based Grading, and in alignment with Highline’s mission to know every student by name, strength, and need, Highline is committed to providing rigorous learning environments that offer flexibility in access, pacing, and proficiency demonstration through remote learning opportunities. Highline Virtual Academy is designed for students who thrive in independent, online learning environments. The anticipated investment for the 2022-23 School Year is over $2.4 Million, in staffing and salaries, materials and supplies, and software.
- Investment Period: 2021-22 SY; 2022-2023 SY
- Accessing this Resource: This resource is a system-wide investment, covering portions of the HVA budget, and is not available for school allocations.
- 2021-22 Impact Highlights, Highline Virtual Academy (HVA): Average daily attendance for HVA students was 95%. According to our WIDA Overall Proficiency Data (Spring), 86% of students in HVA's English Language/EL program score at a language proficiency level of 'developing' or higher. Approximately 96% of parents reported feeling supported by their school and 85% reported feeling their student's basic needs have been met. According to HVA's Panorama Data, students demonstrated growth in 5 out of 7 SEL categories from fall to spring. The largest increase of perception was in 'Growth Mindset', while 'Sense of Belonging' will continue to be a growth goal for HVA in 2022-23
- Additional Information and Links: HVA Landing Page
Adult Wellness
Prior to the pandemic, the district began developing initiatives and programs focused on adult wellness, as a key retention strategy. The pandemic has further impacted the wellness of our employees, and as with many districts across Washington State, Highline’s workforce has experienced challenges as a result of Covid-19 pandemic, as measured by our district's current recruitment and retention data. In 2021, the Washington State Legislature passed SHB 1363, requiring districts to adopt policies and allocate resources to address secondary traumatic stress in the K-12 Workforce. In October 2021, Highline Public Schools adopted Policy 5003 – Staff Wellness, through which the board established key functions of a district-wide workforce mental health committee, to be supported through funds provided by ESSER. This investment is intended to help support infrastructure towards holistic staff wellness measures, so that our employees can bring their best and fullest selves in support of our students. This investment is intended to help support infrastructure towards holistic staff wellness measures, and covers the salaries and benefits of a Principal on Special Assignment (POSA).
- Investment Period: 2022-23 SY
- Accessing this Resource: This is a braided strategy within Human Resources and is not available for school-based allocations.
- Additional Information and Links: Board Policy 5003
- 2021-22 Impact Highlights, Staff Wellness: Human Resources co-led the adult wellness committee for the duration of the 2021-22 school year; the committee held 18 adult wellness and stakeholder sessions, developed and successfully ensured board adoption of Policy 5003, and held over 5 listening sessions for Highline Staff.
Leadership Pathways
Leadership Pathways: The pandemic interrupted our leadership pipeline; the strategies funded under ESSER support our work with TNTP and help us restore pathways to school leadership for staff of color in alignment with the 5-Year Strategic Plan for Human Resources, under strategies for creating culturally affirming environments. Developing clear leadership pathways includes providing new administrator training, developing a teacher (cadre) profile, and implementing leadership competencies with a micro-credential option.
The Leadership Pathways Team will be engaging a team of current and future leaders to support the design of a new leadership development program in the district. Students, parents and community members will be consulting during the process to ensure alignment between leadership program standards and what the community desires to see in our new leaders. This investment covers the salaries and benefits of a Principal on Special Assignment (POSA).
- Update as of December 2022: This investment was originally intended to cover the salaries and benefits of a Principal on Special Assignment (POSA). However, the position was vacated in August 2022, and has not yet been filled. Human Resources intends to hire a Manager to support this project in January, and intends to use the unused salary between August and December to support three different consulting contracts; the vendor has not yet been identified.
- Investment Period: 2022-23 SY
- Accessing this Resource: This is a braided strategy within Human Resources and is not available for school-based allocations.
Data Analysis, Staff Recruitment, and Retention
In response to feedback from building leaders that challenges in filling vacant positions was creating additional strain on schools, impacting our ability to effectively and safely maintain school operations amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the district strengthened their investment in strategic data analysis and project management within Human Resources.
This investment supports additional project manager/analyst capacity within Human Resources, who will support with projects relating to hiring and retention, such as developing stronger staffing profiles and overseeing ESSER funded projects such as adult wellness, leadership pathways (in partnership with TNTP), and the transition of the district to Frontline (this project was delayed by at least one academic year as the previous project manager in HR was re-allocated to support schools during the COVID-19 pandemic).
These projects will also include analyzing data relating to current hiring, retention, attrition, exit surveys, specifically with an COVID-19 analyst lens, and collaborating with hiring managers and peer mentors in order to design, develop, and implement data-informed hiring and retention strategies that will support schools in becoming more fully staffed and supported as they implement their own response and recovery strategies after the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Investment Period: 2021-22 SY; 2022-23 SY
- Accessing this Resource: This is a braided strategy within Human Resources.
Highline Virtual Elementary
Known as the Elementary Remote Program for the 2021-22 SY, Highline Virtual Elementary continues into a second year as a stand-alone school for 2022-23. For students and families requesting remote instruction for the 2022-23 school year, Highline Virtual Elementary provides both special education and general education support. Students will receive the services aligned to their IEPs from certificated and classified staff, and all remote learning instruction is aligned to our district’s guaranteed and viable curriculum. The anticipated investment for the 2022-23 school year is upwards of $2 Million.
- Initiative Leads: Jessica Ma & Jenniffer Reinig (Budget Authority: Jackie Bryan)
- Investment Period: 2021-22 SY; 2022-23 SY
- Accessing this Resource: This is a system level support that can be accessed through remote instructional programs for elementary.
- 2021-22 Impact Highlights, Highline Virtual Elementary: Highline invested $1.4 million in elementary remote learning, which supported over 500 students in grades K-5. Intended as a 1-year model, academic data for this program was rolled up to each student's home elementary school. However, with average daily attendance at 89%, and continued support from families, this program will be its own school in the 2022-23 School Year, now known as Highline Virtual Elementary (HVE).
Strategic Staffing
The pandemic interrupted our work around central office transformation and strategic staffing practices; the strategies funded under ESSER support our work with internal partners such as school and department leaders, Cabinet, and HR teams, and students and families; and help us re engage student-centered strategic staffing practices for school system leaders in alignment with the 5-Year Strategic Plan for Human Resources, under strategies for creating culturally affirming environments and strategically staffing for student success. Developing clear processes, protocols, tools, and training includes providing ongoing professional learning for school system leaders, new administrator training, developing a teacher (cadre) profile and improved workforce data practices. This investment covers the salaries and benefits of a Principal on Special Assignment (POSA) to support this project.
Investment Period: 2022-23 SY
Accessing this Resource: This is a braided strategy within Human Resources and is not available for school-based allocations.
Peer Mentors
Peer mentors provide mentorship support for all teachers within the first 3 years of their career. By increasing our peer mentors for the 2022-23 SY and focusing on increasing the number of dual language and special education mentors, we will decrease mentorship caseloads, expand our mentorship supports to teacher interns, and ultimately expand the applicant pool of Highline trained teachers by creating greater stability and support for early career teachers.
Expansion of this team will also provide capacity to develop data driven decision making routines to evaluate the efficacy of this program as an explicit intervention retention strategy. Furthermore, by adding peer mentors as a key connection to a redesigned NEO, we will shift our practices from “orientation” to a multi-year onboarding experience for staff, overall increasing their likelihood of their success and reducing teacher attrition. We anticipate investing nearly $590,000 in salaries, benefits, and supplies.
- Investment Period: 2022-23 SY
- Accessing this Resource: This is a braided strategy within Human Resources and is not available for school-based allocations.
Annual Substitutes
During the 2021-2022 School Year, Human Resources collaborated with TLL to develop coverage rotations of central office administrators and other staff across departments to cover classrooms and principal assignments during times of staffing shortages/covid surges. The feedback from staff across the system was this was an unsustainable practice that could be mitigated by deepening our substitute pool. By hiring more people into our permanent sub pool for teachers and classified positions, we will be able to provide a consistent, highly qualified pool of substitute teachers to address the increase in absences driven by the continuing prevalence of COVID-19 and the secondary effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. We anticipate investing nearly $330,000 in salaries and benefits for the 2022-23 school year.
- Investment Period: 2022-23 SY
- Accessing this Resource: This is a braided strategy within Human Resources and is not available for school-based allocations.