
Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

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In-district Transfer

Language support is available. Select the the translate button shown in the far right corner below the screen or call the Family Center at 206-631-3003. 

In-district Transfer Requests may be submitted by Highline residents who wish to request that their student attend another school within Highline Public Schools, other than their student’s neighborhood school.

*Sibling transfers will be considered on a space available basis. The granting of a transfer request does not guarantee that other siblings will also be granted a similar transfer.

In-district Transfer Request

The timeframe for when we accept an in-district transfer request from a parent/guardian is:

2025-26 School Year

  • January 6 - May 23: All families that submit a request within the window timeframe will receive a formal status notification letter, via email, by the end of June 2025 the latest.
  • Transfers received outside of the open transfer window will be reviewed for extenuating circumstances. Requests received during June through August will be held until after the start of the school year. Please select the "Extenuating Circumstance" category within the form along with an additional category selection and explain as to why it is submitted outside of the transfer window.

2024-25 School Year

  • January 3 - May 24: All families that submit a request within the window timeframe will receive a formal status notification letter, via email, by the end of June 2024 the latest.
  • Families that received a waitlist notification in June: We will monitor actual enrollment and student movement throughout August and September. Final decisions regarding capacity will be made by October. If there are more transfer requests than space, a lottery will be conducted for the requested school by grade. The lottery will place students in order by name. If space becomes available before the start of school, families will be notified as soon as possible. 

In-District Transfer Request 

All transfers will be approved or denied based on the transfer categories and space availability as outlined in Procedure 3132P. Also, transportation is not provided for transfers, except in circumstances noted in the procedure.

Transfer Categories

Transfer requests will not be approved for athletic or co-curricular activity reasons. As per WIAA regulations, students transferring from one high school to another high school within the Highline Public Schools district, without a corresponding change in home residence with natural parents or legal guardians, will be deemed ineligible for a one-year period at the varsity level of sports. 

Your student may require a WIAA hearing in order to compete at the Varsity level.

Please review the information on the Washington Interscholastic Athletics Association (WIAA) Student Eligibility webpage. Please review changing/ transferring schools section specifically the Before you ENROLL and Before you WITHDRAW forms.