ParentVUE Instructions
ParentVUE lets parents and guardians view their child’s assignments, grades and attendance, message teachers and review student information. You will be able to see records for all your children at any Highline school with a single login. You can also send messages in your own language, and they will be automatically translated.
Activation Instructions
- Activate Your ParentVUE Account on a Web Browser
- Activate Your ParentVUE Account on a Mobile App
- Printable Instructions
Activate Your ParentVUE Account on a Web Browser
If your child’s school has an email address on file for you, we will send you an email with your activation key. If you do not get the email, please check with your child’s school. Once you have received your activation key, please follow the steps below to activate your account using a web browser.
1. Open a web browser and click the following URL:
Note: Chrome is preferred.
2. Translation options are available on the bottom right of the login screen. This can be updated at anytime.
3. On the main landing page select I am a Parent.
4. On the Parent login screen click More Options.
5. Select Activate Account.
6. Read and agree to the Use Agreement by clicking I accept.
7. Enter your first name, last name and activation key. Click Continue to Step 3.
8. Create a user name and password. Enter your email address. Click Complete Account Activation.
Activate Your ParentVUE Account on a Mobile App
If your child’s school has an email address on file for you, we will send you an email with your activation key. If you do not get the email, please check with your child’s school. Once you have received your activation key, please follow the steps below to activate your account using the mobile app.
1. Download the ParentVUE app from the app store on your smartphone or tablet.
2. Follow the instructions to swipe left on your device.
3. Enter in Highline’s zip code (98166) to locate Highline Public Schools.
4. Select Highline Public Schools from the list.
5. On the main login screen, select the language you prefer. All communication from ParentVUE will be translated to the selected Language. This can be updated at any time. To update your language:
A) Click on Current Language.
B) Scroll to the language desired.
C) Click Select.
6. From the login screen, select the option Have activation key? Create my account.
7. Read and agree to the Use Agreement by clicking I accept.
8. Enter your first name, last name and activation key. Click Continue to Step 3.
9. Create a user name and password. Enter your email address. Click Complete Account Activation.
Printable Instructions
Navigation Instructions
- Log Into Account
- Student List
- Navigation for the Mobile App
- Record Student's Name on the Mobile App
- Manage Notifications for the Mobile App
- Manage Preferences
- View Student Information
- View Attendance Information
- View Grade Book
- View Calendar
- View Messages
- View Course History Information
- View Class Schedules
- Email Teachers
- View Calendar
- Manage Account
Log Into Account
Web Browser Instructions
- Visit the ParentVUE Portal.
- Select the preferred language at the bottom, if necessary. The screen default is English.
- Select an option: I am a parent >>.
- Log in to your account. If you already activated your account, enter the User Name and Password. Click Login.
ParentVUE Home Screen
After logging on to the web portal or activating an account, parents see the Home tab of the ParentVUE portal.
Note: Click the dropdown arrow to the right of your student's photo to switch between different students.
➊ The Navigation bar contains links to display records for the selected child.
➋ Use the focus menu to select from your students actively enrolled in the district.
➌ The My Account tab accesses your account information.
➍ The Help tab directs you to the Help screen, which contains information provided by the district.
➎ All screens contain Logout, Contact and Privacy links.
➏ Your district might support additional languages. If so, select one at the bottom of the ParentVUE screen.
➐ You can enable Accessibility Mode, if needed.
Mobile App Instructions
The mobile app uses the same user login as the web-based ParentVUE.
- Enter your login information or activate your account. If you have not activated your account see Account Activation instructions above.
- Select the Current Language. You can modify this option later.
- Tap Login.
Note: Tap Save next to your User Name and Password to save the information in your app. You can modify this option whenever you login. If you save your login information, you can log in to multiple district at the same time.
Student List
The Student List screen shows all students you have attending Highline Public Schools. Tap the child’s name to view the Navigation screen that contains his or her information.
- If your student is enrolled at more than one school, the concurrent school name displays under the primary school name.
- Tap Show Events to view district and school events.
- Tap the Settings icon to set additional preferences and notifications. See Managing Notifications and Managing Preferences for more information.
Navigation for the Mobile App
Record Student's Name on the Mobile App
ParentVUE allows you to record your student's name so teachers and staff can pronounce the name accurately. In the Navigation screen, select the Record icon.
- Select one of the options on the screen.
- Tap Yes to record the student’s name and go to next step.
- Tap No to record the student’s name later.
- Tap Never Remind Again to never record the student’s name.
- Tap the Record icon. The app begins recording.
- Record the name and tap Stop to stop recording.
- Tap Play to listen to the recording.
- Tap Save.
- Tap OK to close the confirmation message. An icon representing the child's recorded name displays in the header.
To delete a recording, use the following instructions:
- Tap the icon representing the child's recorded name in the header of the Navigation screen.
- Tap the Delete icon (trash can).
- Tap Yes to confirm deletion.
Manage Notifications for the Mobile App
Manage Preferences
Tap the Preferences tab in the Settings menu to edit preferences.
Note: The Preferences tab is only available for the iPhone.
- Grade Book - threshold value (0 to 100) – Enter the score value that triggers a low mark indicator on an assignment. For example, enter 10 to indicate if the student receives a 9 or lower on an assignment.
- Reminders - Set assignment notifications on the Calendar screen.
- Use Reminders - Tap to allow reminders.
- Use Bell Schedule Time for assignment reminders (if available) - If allowed by the school, uses the Time for the assignment due date reminder according to the Bell Schedule created at the school.
- Enter the number of Days before the due date and the Time for the reminder. If using Bell Schedule Time, enter only the Days.
Click Reset Reminders to reset and regenerate the reminders that were deleted in the web-based ParentVUE application.
View Student Information
View Attendance Information
Web Browser Instructions
The Attendance page displays the student’s attendance records. Information displays in two main sections. The Attendance Calendar displays a visual record of absences for the student. The Totals by Course and Period section displays attendance totals by course and period. You can also view the attendance total by days in the Days of Attendance section.
- Click Attendance in the Navigation bar.
- Click the right or left arrows to scroll between months, or select the Focus menu to select a month to view.
- Hover over a course in the Totals by Course section to view absence details.
- Select Detail in the Days of Attendance section. The icons indicate the attendance information for that period and date.
Mobile App Instructions
The Attendance screen displays all the days the student was marked absent or tardy and the date for the entry. If your student is enrolled in concurrent schools, attendance information for both schools is displayed.
- Tap a day to view more details.
- Tap the Email icon to email the instructor.
- Tap Legend to view descriptions for the icons used on the Attendance screens.
- Tap Summary to view the Summary screen. This displays totals by period for each attendance reason.
View Grade Book
Web Browser Instructions
- Click Grade Book on the Navigation bar to show grades for each grading period and progress period. The screen opens to the current grade period.
- Click any available quarter or progress period to view another summary.
- Click a Subject or Course Title link. The Assignment View displays the assignments for the class. The Category Weighting graph shows the assignment type, current grade, and percentage of grade.
- Click an Assignment. The Assignment Detail screen displays.
- Assignment Detail – The summary displays the information for the assignment, including the Course, Period, and Teacher.
- Standards – Standards associated with the assignment display in this section, if available. See Standards View.
- Resources – Electronic files or links to a website display in this section, if available.
- Digital Drop Box – Electronic files posted for the assignment display in this section.
Mobile App Instructions
The Grade Book screen keeps track of the student’s grades, assignments and posted test scores. This screen only displays if your district uses Grade Book.
Note: If your student is enrolled in concurrent schools, use the field at the top to select which school to view.
Class Grades
- Tap on the name of the class.
- Tap Assignment View to view the assignments for the class.
- Tap an assignment to view the assignment details.
- Tap the term to view a list of assignments and tests for that class.
- Tap the Share icon to share the assignment information.
- Tap the Email icon to email the teacher.
- Tap Summary to see the posted grades for the assignment.
Daily Assignments
Tap Daily Assignments on the Navigation screen to display the current day only.
- Tap an assignment to view more details.
- Tap Change Student to select another child if using ParentVUE.
- Tap the Scroll icon to quickly scroll to the end of the list.
- Tap the Filter icon to select a filter and narrow the list of assignments to view. You can show only missing assignments or select a single class to view.
Note: Reset the filter by tapping Clear All Filters.
View Calendar
The Calendar screen displays the important details of the student’s school day, including the student’s current schedule and any assignments due on the current date.
- Tap Today to view that day’s details.
- Tap on any day to view the events for that day.
- Tap the Calendar icon at the top right to alternate between Month and Day view.
- Tap Reminders to add reminders.
- Enter the Message.
- Select the Date and Time.
- Tap Save
Note: Reminders save to your local device and do not synchronize with the server.
View Messages
Web Browser Instructions
Click Messages in the Navigation bar. This page displays important district/classroom messages and emails.
- The number of unread messages displays on the Navigation bar.
- Read messages display with an open envelope.
- Unread messages display with a closed envelope.
- Select the message to view the details.
- Click the X to remove a message.
Note: After opening and viewing the message, the message will disappear in two weeks.
Mobile App Instructions
Messages display important district/classroom messages and emails.
- Tap on a message to view it.
- Read messages display with an open envelope icon.
- Unread messages display with a closed envelope icon.
View Course History Information
The Course History page displays secondary student’s courses, the grades received for all years and all schools, the cumulative GPA, and graduation ranking.
1. Click Course History on the Navigation bar.
2. Select Detail to view additional detail for Graduation Status, Test Requirements or Student Course History. The Graduation Status section provides detailed credit and test requirements information, if appropriate to the student's school grade level. This is the same information that displays on the student's transcript.
3. Select Detail in the Student Course History section. Each course displays with the Mark earned, Credit Attempted and Credit Completed.
4. Use the second scroll bar to scroll down to the bottom to see all classes.
View Class Schedules
The Class Schedule page lists the period, course title, room name and the teacher for each class. Secondary schedule information displays all courses the student takes in the semester.
- Click Class Schedule in the Navigation bar.
- Click the Term abbreviation (for example, 1st Qtr, 1st Semester, 3rd Qtr, 2nd Semester) to view a different semester’s schedule.
- The schedule lists the Period, Course Title, Room Name and the Teacher.
- The staff member associated with the incident displays as a communication link.
Note: Elementary schedule information typically displays only one course in the class schedule, labeled with the student's grade.
Email Teachers
View Calendar
Click Calendar in the Navigation bar to open the student's calendar. This page displays the important details of the school day, such as graded and non-graded assignments for the selected student.
➊Use the options at the top of the calendar to filter the information displayed by Teacher/Class, Assignment Type, and whether the assignment is Missing, Due, or Scoreless.
➋Click the Day, Week, or Monthly icons to change the view. The calendar displays Monthly by default.
- The Weekly view lists all assignments for the week. To scroll forward or backward, click the arrows next to the name of the week.
- The Daily view lists all assignments for the day. To scroll forward or backward, click the arrows next to the name of the day.
➌Select the Month to view, or use the arrows to move forward or back through the calendar.
➍Click the Week icon to see the details for a specific week.
➎Click the icon in the top-left corner of the calendar to return to today’s date.
Manage Account
The Account Information page differs between parents and students. Both screens allow you to change your password, add additional email addresses, and view your login history. Parents can define which type of emails to receive, how often they want to receive them, and other information as the district permits.
Note: To change your home address, phone number and primary email, use the Online Student Data Verification tab. Changes are reviewed and approved by office personnel.
1. Select the My Account tab.
2. Make updates to your account as needed.
- Click Change Password to change your password.
- Decide which notifications to receive and how often in the Auto-Notify section. These are email notifications. You can sign up for attendance alerts and weekly grade book summaries.
- Add or edit additional email addresses.
- Change your First Name, Last Name, Employer, and Primary Language if available on the screen.
- View Acknowledged Documents.
- Click Update Account.
Note: The password reset link will not longer work after 20 minutes from the time you receive the password reset email. In this case, you will need to request another password rest.