
Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

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Somali Language Instruction

Elementary Programs

A Somali Heritage Club is offered to students as a weekly after-school opportunity at three of our elementary schools. Students develop Somali language skills, including reading and writing, as well as learning more about Somali culture. To learn more about this program at a specific school, please contact the instructor for the school:

Naadiga Dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed waxaa la qabtaa iskuulka ka dib todobaadkiba mar, waxaana lagu qabtaa saddex dugisi hoose. Ardaydu waxay ku bartaan af soomaaliga, qoraal iyo akhrisba. Waxa kale oo ay bartaan dhaqanka soomaaliyeed. Sidaad war dheeraad ah uga hesho barnaamijkan fadlan, la xiriir barah dugsiga.

Students attending Somali family event

Somali Instructional Resources

Here are some resources if you are interested in practicing the Somali language at home.

Halkan waxaad ka heleysa waxyaalo ardayda ka caawinya inay af soomaliga guriga ku bartaan.

For questions about our Somali programs, please contact our Somali Language Specialist, Salaman Said. Salaman can be reached by email at or by phone call at (206) 631-3185. 

Wixii su'aalo ah ee ku saabsan barnaamijyadeenna Soomaaliga, fadlan la xiriir Khabiirkeenna Af-Soomaaliga, Salaman Said. Salaman waxa lagula xidhiidhi karaa iimaylka ah ama wac telefoonka (206) 631-3185.