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Nutrition Services serves more than 3,500 breakfasts and nearly 10,000 lunches each day. We also provide a variety of other snack and meal services at select schools and community sites based on socioeconomic need. During the summer months, we participate in the Summer Food Service Program and offer meals at multiple schools and community sites. Last summer we served nearly 51,000 meals to kids in the community.
Each year roughly 20 schools and community sites participate in Highline's After School Snack Program. Sites must be area-eligible, meaning that at least 50% of students qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Snacks are served at no cost to students under the age of 18. Each snack consists of a whole grain cracker/cookie/granola bar or a low-fat string cheese, as well as 100% fruit juice or low-fat milk. For more information about starting a snack program at a school or community site, contact Nutrition Services at 206-631-3010.
Students are served a hot meal consisting of an entree, fruit, vegetable and low-fat milk. The program provides an opportunity for children who may come from food-insecure households to eat a balanced meal after school.
We serve approximately 5,000 breakfast meals each day. Breakfast is available at all of our schools. We provide traditional breakfast in many of our schools along with alternative models as outlined below.
Breakfast in the Classroom
Breakfast in the Classroom is an alternative to the traditional model that offers access to breakfast after the bell. Serving meals in the classroom not only increases access for all students but also helps build community in the classroom, as students sit together to enjoy their meal. This program allows more students to start their day with a healthy balanced meal and be prepared, ready to learn!
Grab & Go Breakfast
Grab and Go Breakfast is another alternative breakfast model used in hopes of increasing participation and making sure students start the day with a delicious breakfast to fuel their bodies. Grab and Go is served in the cafeteria. The breakfast is pre-packaged by kitchen staff and ready to go when students arrive at school. Depending on the school, Grab and Go meals can be eaten in the cafeteria or taken to the classroom.
Fun facts about Breakfast in Highline:
Veggies for breakfast! We occasionally offer an assortment of vegetables at breakfast to promote fruit and vegetable consumption.
Healthy protein options at breakfast help keep kids fueled throughout the day.
1% and Non-fat milk are available for breakfast to provide a healthy dose of calcium.
School breakfast is a healthy and convenient way for kids to start the day and it's no cost this school year!
Seven elementary schools have been awarded a competitive Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program (FFVP) grant. Students in these schools are served a free snack during the school day as a way to introduce them to new varieties of fruits and vegetables. Our students sample classic favorites like bananas, carrots and apples but also less familiar items like star fruit, kiwi berries, kumquats and pluots. The following schools are participate:
Beverly Park Elementary School
Bow Lake Elementary School
Cedarhurst Elementary School
Hazel Valley Elementary
Hilltop Elementary School
Madrona Elementary School
McMicken Elementary School
Midway Elementary School
Parkside Elementary School
Seahurst Elementary School
White Center Heights Elementary School
If you'd like to be involved in the district wellness committee please contact Nutrition Services for more information at (206) 631-3228.