
Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

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Student Records

If you are in need of student records, please email a request for records to the last school of record. Navigate to the school site using the Schools button above. Choose the school. Once the school page loads, click on About Us for contact information.

The information you need to request your transcript:

  • Your name when you attended school
  • Your date of birth
  • The name of the last high school you attended
  • The year you graduated or last attended
  • Your picture ID (your ID must include a picture, date of birth, and a signature) you can bring in your ID, or send in a copy of your ID via email. 
  • Mailing information if you request your transcript mailed to you or a 3rd party

Please note diplomas are given out at graduation. We do not have duplicate copies of diplomas. 

If you need a copy of your transcript of grades from a Highline Public Schools high school, please contact your alma mater:

Please note that during the month of July, email requests may only be checked once a week.

Academy of Citizenship and Empowerment (ACE)
Michael Borges, registrar

Arts & Academics Academy (AAA)
Nancy Hebard, registrar

Big Picture High School
Crystal Barragan, office manager

CHOICE Academy
Deborah Melchior, registrar

Evergreen High School 
Nancy Hebard, registrar

Glacier High School
Tammy Jagadics, registrar

Global Connections High School
Michael Borges, registrar

Health Sciences & Human Services High School (HS3)
Nancy Hebard, registrar

Highline High School
Tammy Jagadics, registrar

Learning Center, Dora-PSED, Graduation Alliance, Open Doors, SW Youth & Family, Career Link, ELL E.X.C.E.L., Pathway to College
Sharon Cawsey, registrar

Mount Rainier High School
Wanda Gladney, counseling secretary
Rachel Johnson, registrar

New Start High School
Sharon Cawsey, registrar

Odyssey High School  (2006-2014)
Michael Borges, registrar

Debi Tranholt

Raisbeck Aviation High School
Samantha Clements, registrar

Satellite, Maywood and Woodside
Marta Hood

Technology, Engineering & Communications High School (TEC)
Nancy Hebard, registrar

Tyee High School 
Michael Borges, registrar

In July 2017, Governor Jay Inslee signed ESHB 2224, also known as the assessment bill. The new legislation will allow some students who were unable to graduate after not passing a state assessment to appeal and possibly receive their diploma. This applies to students in the classes of 2014-18. We are currently waiting for the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to provide an appeal process before we can move forward. We will update our website when we have additional information. You may also fill out our online form and we will contact you when we know more.