Members of our Capital Projects Oversight Committee met in November for their quarterly review of our bond spending and construction progress. The committee welcomed a newly appointed member.
2021-22 CFAC
Welcome to the 2021-22 session of the community-led Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC). CFAC members from across the district will work together to prioritize future construction needs for Highline Public Schools.
COMMITTEE CHARGE: Complete Community Recommendations for Future Facilities, including prioritizing facilities built prior to 2000.
2021-22 Membership & Recommendations
For more information, please contact Communications Specialist Rosie Eades.
Last week, members of Highline's community-led Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC) embarked on a two-year timeline to recommend the next school construction bond. They hope to reach consensus on which capital projects and what dollar amount to recommend to the school board by February 2026.
We drew names in the lottery for an open seat on our community-led Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC) on Wednesday, October 9.
Members of our Capital Projects Oversight Committee met in August for their quarterly review of our bond spending and construction progress. After the committee reviewed financial statements and asked questions, the consensus was, “Good job, guys, for staying on top of it!”
Members of our community-led Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC) dove into enrollment projections and tax rates at their April 24 meeting. They are gathering the information they need to recommend which schools be rebuilt in the next school construction bond.
Our Capital Projects Oversight Committee learned about our construction progress and examined a quarterly financial report for our 2016 and 2022 bond projects at the February 13, 2024 meeting.
A small group of appointed community members and industry professionals meet quarterly to keep an eye on our bond-funded capital projects. Read a summary of the December 5 meeting of the Capital Projects Oversight Committee.
Our community-led Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC) meeting on October 25 was well attended by energized new and returning members.
We welcome eight new members to our community-led Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC). From a lottery drawing on September 28, eight were selected by service area from the names of 28 Highline residents who entered the lottery for open seats on the Capital Facilities Advisory Committee.
Our community-led Capital Facilities Advisory Committee concluded its 2022-23 work session this spring by forwarding a living priority list of schools needing replacement to Superintendent Ivan Duran and the school board. The lottery for open seats on CFAC is now open!