What is the value and impact of a new modern school building?
Ten quotes and photos from Highline High School 2022 graduates and a senior at HHS, help explain the impact and value of learning in a safe, modern high school building.
If voters approve Prop. 1, the Highline Public Schools bond, it would rebuild Tyee and Evergreen high schools, providing a modern school building in every high school service area in our district. [Update: The 2022 bond was approved by Highline voters with a 68.8 percent approval rate.]
1—Anni Tadesse, HHS Class of 2022, Harvard University
"I think replacing the old building with a modern learning facility has definitely impacted students like myself in a positive way. It brings a whole new vibe that inspires a motivation to learn. I love how everything is more open and friendly, like the classroom windows and the spacious hallways...."
2—Karis Gran, HHS Class of 2022, U.S. Navy
"I think school should be a fun, safe, clean place, because we spend a good chunk of our day here, from six to eight hours, and as an athlete, I spend up to 10 hours here some days. Kids should want to come to school and be proud of what their school looks like...."
3—Vichet Ros, HHS class of 2022, UW
“My favorite places at the new high school are the music practice rooms. We didn’t have that in the old school. Here you can practice in peace without disturbances....”
4—Jason Bonilla, HHS, class of 2022, WWU
"The words I would use to describe the new building are: Gorgeous. Spacious. The new College and Career Center is calming, relaxing and helpful...."
5—Lenora Fuaga, HHS class of 2022, South Seattle College
"If you are in an environment that is kind of neglected, then you feel like you are kind of neglected as well. So having this new building with new equipment and books and everything, it made us feel heard and seen...."
6—Dominique Taylor, HHS class of 2022, Morgan State University
“This school makes us feel like somebody cares about us, so we want to come to school and we want to learn. I hope that Tyee and Evergreen have the same opportunity for a beautiful, modern school, so they can also thrive...."
7—Ashley Rodriguez, HHS class of 2022, UW
“I attended the old Highline in 9th grade. I’ve been to Tyee. Our old schools are just barely getting by, when they could be great...."
8—Dylan Vu, HHS class of 2022, Shoreline Community College
"You have to have a place that you actually want to go to, some place to be proud of. A new school lets students know that you care about them."
"As a football player, my favorite part of the new school is the weight room. At the old HHS, the weight room in the basement smelled musty and it was hard to breath...."
9—Noah Harder, HHS class of 2022, CWU
"The new school building is really nice... this was definitely worth it! All the tools in the wood shop and engineering lab are top of the line...."
10—Netzai Evangelista, HHS class of 2023
"Students are more inclined to come to a school building they can be proud of, where it is a safe learning environment and where you can focus and get your work done."
"One of the nice things about having a new school is most students have been treating it really well. It’s nice to come to school here because it has so much open space and places to do quiet work in every wing. There’s a lot of working and meeting spaces. That’s my favorite part of the new school...."