Security Improvements Funded by Bond
“It’s safer,” says Seahurst Elementary parent Michael Smith, as he demonstrates the new security video intercom at the school entrance. His daughter Mia is in fourth grade.
The 2016 school bond funded a series of safety upgrades in Highline schools, including electronic classroom door locks, keycard-secured entrances, and upgraded video surveillance, plus the video intercom systems. The video intercoms installed at school entrances in spring 2024 were the final piece of this series of safety upgrades.
“The video intercom is great, and I like the extra level of protection,” says Melissa Erkenswick, Seahurst parent and office assistant. “We know who is in our school.” Her daughters are in third and fifth grades.
The video intercom system, installed in spring 2024, allows office staff to see and talk to visitors before unlocking the school’s door. Staff can verify a visitor’s identity and purpose using the intercom, adding a layer of security.
“I don't know any family who doesn't like the intercom system,” says Fawn Rinker, office manager at Seahurst Elementary. “Families like knowing entry to the building is secure.”
Signs at school entrances — in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Somali — guide visitors to “Press the intercom button for assistance. When you hear the chime, pull the door open.” A graphic illustrates the button’s location.
By allowing office staff to manage entry from their workstations, the system ensures schools remain welcoming yet secure.
Completing the video intercom project was originally delayed by the Covid pandemic. We shared news of our progress on installing most of the intercoms back in February 2024. Then, reporting to our community about the completed intercom systems was further delayed by Highline's cyber incident.
We are happy to report the security intercom cameras were installed for all school offices, except the new Highline High School, Glacier Middle School, and Des Moines Elementary. (These new school offices already have security cameras and intercom door buzzers.)