
Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

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Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW Burien, WA 98166

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Pacific Middle School Project Gears Up for Action in July

Pacific Middle School Project Gears Up for Action in July
Two people giving presentation inside school.

Skanska Holds Info Meeting for Bidders on Initial Site Work 

The Pacific Middle School construction project is gearing up for action this summer as soon as Pacific moves to the Olympic Interim Site. A new Pacific Middle School is scheduled to open in September 2027. The three-story facility will serve up to 950 students in grades 6-8, in an approximately 144,300-square-foot facility.   

In January, Skanska, our general contractor/construction manager for the Pacific project, led a conference and tour of the existing middle school facility and campus. The meet-up was for contractors interested in submitting bids for initial site work.  

People touring the Pacific MS campus.

Work being bid on in February includes demolition, early earthwork, utilities and electrical needs, as well as drilling geothermal wells for ground-loop heat pump piping, and more. 

Approximately 135 geothermal wells will be drilled 350 feet deep west of the school, which will connect to an electric heat pump for heating and cooling the new school. A new synthetic turf play field is planned above ground in this area. 

This set of bids is due at various times and dates in February. More details and contact information for bidders is available from Skanska’s website under Current Project Opportunities. Bid opportunities will be offered for additional project phases in the future. 

Other Activities 

Other project planning activities this winter have included: 

  • Continued coordination with the FAA regarding grant requirements to help fund enhanced sound attenuation features included in the design. 
  • Grading permit review by the City of Des Moines, and work toward a developer agreement. 
  • Supporting Pacific staff with information about packing and moving. 
  • Supporting Pacific families in grades 6-7, and families of future Pacific students currently in grade 5 with information about the temporary move to the Olympic Interim Site, during construction of a new Pacific.

Follow Our Progress 

Follow the demolition and construction progress on our Pacific project page.

All community members are invited to sign up for monthly updates via email on our construction projects and district news. 

Design rendering of future Pacific MS commons/cafeteria.

Design rendering provided by Hutteball + Oremus Architecture depicts the commons/cafeteria space in the new school and new furniture. See more design renderings of the exterior and interior and watch a virtual drone view of the school.

Architect is volunteering in an elementary school.


People sitting at tables, listening.


Photo of people in construction gear talking.


Photo collage of Pacific principal and student with school design boards.