Family Liaisons for Special Education
The Special Education family liaisons support the parents and families of Highline students engaging with special education services, to ensure that they are better informed, connected, and heard. The family liaisons are available to:
- Assist and educate families navigating the special education system and IEP process
- Attend IEP meetings with families, when available and requested
- Increase family’s advocacy in becoming a full participant in the process
- Partner with families and school teams to create an effective approach for communicating around the IEP process
- Support language accessibility in all communications
- Provide families with information about relevant community resources
Information Presentations
Information Brochures in Multiple Languages
- Acronym Cheat Sheet
- Annual IEP
- Child Find
- IEP Companion Guide
- Decision-Making Options
- Special Education Process
- Student Led IEPs
- Transition Planning
- What is Special Education?
Acronym Cheat Sheet
Annual IEP
Child Find
IEP Companion Guide
Decision-Making Options
Special Education Process
Student Led IEPs
Transition Planning
What is Special Education?
Special Needs PTA
Highline Special Needs PTA (HSNPTA) is the districtwide organization representing families with special needs students. Visit the HSNPTA website to learn more.