Student Learning
Student Learning is responsible for programs and initiatives designed to improve instruction and student learning.
Meet Our Student Learning Team
Dr. Jenniffer Reinig
Deputy Superintendent
Marissa Sanchez
Executive Assistant
Bernard Koontz
Executive Director of Teaching Learning & Leadership - Language Learning, Secondary Initiatives, Arts, Health and Fitness
Dr. Jana Parker
Executive Director of Teaching Learning & Leadership - Special Education, Highly Capable programming, Elementary Success, Social-Emotional Learning
Dr. Andrew Benitez
Executive Director of Teaching & Learning - CTE, Secondary School Design, College and Career Readiness and Secondary Pathways
Jacqueline Downey
Instructional Leadership Executive Director - Evergreen, Highline, Innovation Heights, Mount Rainier, Raisbeck Aviation, Tyee
Gilbert Parsons
Instructional Leadership Executive Director - Cascade, Chinook, Glacier, Pacific, Sylvester, Big Picture, CHOICE, Highline Virtual Academy, Maritime
Daniel Calderon
Instructional Leadership Executive Director - Beverly Park, Cedarhurst, Gregory Heights, Hazel Valley, Mount View, Seahurst, Shorewood, White Center Heights, Valley View
Dr. Sarah Talbot
Instructional Leadership Executive Director - Bow Lake, Des Moines, Hilltop, Madrona, Marvista, McMicken Heights, Midway, North Hill, Parkside
Janet Blanford
Director of Secondary Success & College Readiness - Secondary counselors, advanced placement, college in the high school and college readiness
Gaye Bungart
Co-Director of Special Education - Elementary special education programs, students and staffing processes and procedures
Dr. Darren Spencer
Co-Director of Special Education - Special education programs, students, teachers, families in the IEP process, and legal compliance and professional learning
Dr. Tanisha Brandon-Felder
Director of P-3/Elementary Success - curriculum and instruction, PreK-5th grade
Dr. Laura Schneider
Director of Secondary Instruction
Adina Thea
Director of Elementary Language Learning - Multilingual learners, world language, fine arts, heritage and community language learning
Sativah Jones
Assistant Director of College and Career Readiness - College and career initiatives including post-secondary pathway exploration