Dr. Jenniffer Reinig
Deputy Superintendent
Marissa Sanchez
Executive Assistant
Bernard Koontz
Executive Director of Teaching Learning & Leadership - Language Learning, Secondary Initiatives, Arts, Health and Fitness
Dr. Jana Parker
Executive Director of Teaching Learning & Leadership - Special Education, Highly Capable programming, Elementary Success, Social-Emotional Learning
Dr. Andrew Benitez
Executive Director of Teaching & Learning - CTE, Secondary School Design, College and Career Readiness and Secondary Pathways
Jacqueline Downey
Instructional Leadership Executive Director - Evergreen, Highline, Innovation Heights, Mount Rainier, Raisbeck Aviation, Tyee
Gilbert Parsons
Instructional Leadership Executive Director - Cascade, Chinook, Glacier, Pacific, Sylvester, Big Picture, CHOICE, Highline Virtual Academy, Maritime
Daniel Calderon
Instructional Leadership Executive Director - Beverly Park, Cedarhurst, Gregory Heights, Hazel Valley, Mount View, Seahurst, Shorewood, White Center Heights, Valley View
Dr. Sarah Talbot
Instructional Leadership Executive Director - Bow Lake, Des Moines, Hilltop, Madrona, Marvista, McMicken Heights, Midway, North Hill, Parkside
Janet Blanford
Director of Secondary Success & College Readiness - Secondary counselors, advanced placement, college in the high school and college readiness
Gaye Bungart
Co-Director of Special Education - Elementary special education programs, students and staffing processes and procedures
Dr. Darren Spencer
Co-Director of Special Education - Special education programs, students, teachers, families in the IEP process, and legal compliance and professional learning
Dr. Tanisha Brandon-Felder
Director of P-3/Elementary Success - curriculum and instruction, PreK-5th grade
Dr. Laura Schneider
Director of Secondary Instruction
Adina Thea
Director of Elementary Language Learning - Multilingual learners, world language, fine arts, heritage and community language learning
Sativah Jones
Assistant Director of College and Career Readiness - College and career initiatives including post-secondary pathway exploration